Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The Sendratasik Education Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNESA has many forums for students to express and be creative, these forums are student activity groups (KKM) under coordination Department Student Executive Board (BEMJ).
The student KKM includes ballet theater, dance, keroncong music, Sawunggaling gamelan, traditional theater arts and mime arts. The large number of KKM in the Sendratasik Education Study Program facilitates students to continue to carry out creative activities outside of lectures.
Joko Winarko, S, Sn., M.Sn as BEMJ supervisor and Sawunggaling Karawitan KKM Supervisor saw the many activities carried out by KKM in progress each of them.
Joko Porong (his nickname) had the idea of creating an event where all KKM were involved and united. This idea was well responded to by the Sendratasik Education Coordinator, Dr. Setyo Yanurtuti, M.Si until Ruang Srawung was formed.
The selection of the ludruk performance production as the first production was the result of a large meeting of all KKM. It is felt that Ludruk is a suitable forum to accommodate all KKM where elements of theater, dance and music are included.
Moh. Khotib Hidayatullah as the script writer and director said that this script represents the dream of the Sendratasik Education Study Program, students, lecturers and all the UNESA academic community to always progress and develop.
“Don't be afraid to dream because the beginning of change is a dream. "The spirit in this text also lifts the spirit of the character Sawunggaling, who is a figure from Surabaya and whose grave is near the UNESA campus," he said.
Ludruk 'Impen'< /p>
The "Impen" ludruk performance is packaged in the form of modernization in accordance with its theme, namely 1740: Modernization in a dream. The music used in this performance is gamelan orchestra. This packaging is made in such a way that it can be enjoyed by all generations, especially generation Z, to preserve East Javanese culture.
The Ludruk performance entitled "Impen" was held at the Sawunggaling Performance Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Monday, October 30 2023 evening. 'Impen' tells the story of Joko Berek saying goodbye to his mother, Dewi Sangkrah to look for his father.
Since childhood, Joko Berek has lived with his mother, grandfather, grandmother and Pak Denya, one of his relatives. For a long time, the villagers mocked him for not having a father until he urged his mother to tell him who his father was, who turned out to be Tumenggung, a famous figure who was the governor of the Duchy of Surabaya.
Ludruk involved lecturers such as Dr. Setyo Yanuartuti, Msi., as ludruk leader; M. Khotib Hidayatullah as director; Joko Porong as composer. Apart from that, there is a choir by Gamelan Sawunggaling, Remo Flashmoob by KKM Tari, Dagelan by Tabah CS and a special performance by KKM Keroncong Ning Wastra by Yahya. Also, a number of students were involved in it.
The other lecturer involved was Dr. Autar Abdillah, S.Sn., M.Sc., Dr. Indar Sabri, S.Sn., M.Pd., Dr. Arif Hidajad, S.Sn., M.Pd, Dra. Jajuk Dwi Sasanadjati, M.Hum, Drs. Bambang Sugito, M.Sn, Dr. Welly Suryandoko, M.Pd, and Syaiful Qadar Basri, S.Pd., M.Hum.
"Hopefully through this Seraung Seni Room students of the Education Study Program in particular and the Academic Community of the Sendratasik Education Study Program in general can come together. and continue to create innovative works and research in a laboratory work platform for the advancement of education and cultural preservation," hoped Joko Porong. []
Writer and Reporter: Tim Ludruk/Diana/Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : Public Relations Team Documentation
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