Akbar Pratama, a quadriplegic participant accompanied by two accompanying students from PLB; Mutia Juli Saputri and Steffany Amelia to the UTBK test location.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA—The determination and struggle to enter state universities through the Computer Based Written Examination (UTBK) on the National Selection Based Test (SNBT) route was not only shown by non-disabled participants, but also those with disabilities.
This This was seen in the third session of UTBK at UNESA which was attended by nine participants with disabilities on Thursday, May 2 2024. They were present bringing enthusiasm and hope of being accepted into their respective study programs and dream campuses.
The struggle to enter PTN is one of them shown Men of Romance God. This participant from Kenjeran, Surabaya explained his preparations for taking the test. "I have prepared a lot, starting from looking for what material is being tested. I also have help from my relatives and study independently too," he said.
During preparation, he often studied by using online video player platforms such as YouTube etc. Every day he studies some material with the help of accessibility on his device which makes it easier to study.
Dewa, his nickname, chose the Bachelor of Special Education (PLB) and Bachelor of Counseling Guidance (BK) study programs in the selection This. The choice of study program is not random, it has a specific purpose. PLB S-1 has a good history in attracting students with disabilities, so he is very interested in studying in this study program.
Nuning Indra Susanti gives full support to his son, Dewa who took the UTBK test at Surabaya State University (UNESA)
Nuning Indra Susanti, Dewa's mother, said her son was very enthusiastic about welcoming UTBK. This was a very meaningful experience in accompanying her first child.
"At first she was a little pessimistic, but the desire to know from several of her friends and cousins about this university encouraged her enthusiasm in taking part in this selection. I also accompanied and provided motivation, " he said.
In the midst of his busy life teaching other blind children with disabilities how to read braille or a type of tactile writing system used by the blind, his children always make time to practice answering various question schemes.
"Dewa is a child who likes to participate in various activities. He loves playing music, one of which is bass and is often invited to perform at big events by the Mayor of Surabaya," explained Nuning Indra Susanti while waiting for his son to finish his exams.Enthusiasm for taking part in UTBK was also shown by Akbar Pratama, a quadriplegic participant who attended using a wheelchair. This participant from Benowo, West Surabaya has a strong determination to study and develop himself in higher education.
"At first I was not enthusiastic, but after receiving information that there was a campus that was disability-friendly and had companions, I was interested in studying and take the test today. Hopefully the results will be optimal," he said.
Akbar, his nickname, admitted that he really wanted to study at UNESA by choosing a Bachelor of Psychology or Bachelor of History Education study program. Therefore, he made preparations well in advance. He hopes that today's results will lead him to become a UNESA student. []
Reporter: Tarisa Adistya (FBS) and Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation"I chose the BK study program because I was motivated to develop student character, which in my opinion is a bit deviated from moral values. I want to learn about it and deepen it, also to strengthen my own character," he said .
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