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The Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (hereinafter referred to as LPPM Unesa) was established on August 16, 2012 based on the Rector's Decree number 310/UN38/HK/KL/2012 and is a merger of functions from the Unesa Research Institute (LP) and the Community Service Institution at Unesa Community (LPM) with 5 duties and functions:

  1. Carrying out the management and development of research and community service in accordance with the direction of the Unesa Rector's policy
  2. Planning and directing research for the advancement of science and technology
  3. Increasing community service activities as a function of implementing science and technology
  4. Developing the implementation of Kuliah Kerja Nyata - KKN (Student Study Service) as a training workshop for students in overcoming social problems
  5. Developing other relevant activities

Since November 30, 2014, LPPM Unesa has been declared to have met the requirements in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 management within the scope of activities of "Management of Research Institutions and Community Service" with certificate number: 144410A. Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 21/DIKTI/Kep/2014 concerning Higher Education Research Performance within the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2010 - 2012, Unesa was included in the primary cluster of higher education.

Several center of studies which is the part of LPPM Unesa include:

  1. Center for Business Incubation
  2. Center for Real Work Lecture and Community Engagement
  3. Center for Community Service and Science and Technology Marketing
  4. Center for Intellectual Property Rights, Product Certification and Innovation
  5. Center for Scientific Publications
  6. Center for Research and Strengthening Innovation
  7. Center for Literacy Studies
  8. Center for Gender and Child Studies
  9. Unesa Halal Center
  10. Center for Disability Services Studies
  11. Center for the Sport Sciences
  12. Center for Arts and Culture Studies
  13. Ideology Development Center

For further information about LPPM Unesa, please visit

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