The Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (hereinafter referred to as LPPM Unesa) was established on August 16, 2012 based on the Rector's Decree number 310/UN38/HK/KL/2012 and is a merger of functions from the Unesa Research Institute (LP) and the Community Service Institution at Unesa Community (LPM) with 5 duties and functions:
- Carrying out the management and development of research and community service in accordance with the direction of the Unesa Rector's policy
- Planning and directing research for the advancement of science and technology
- Increasing community service activities as a function of implementing science and technology
- Developing the implementation of Kuliah Kerja Nyata - KKN (Student Study Service) as a training workshop for students in overcoming social problems
- Developing other relevant activities
Since November 30, 2014, LPPM Unesa has been declared to have met the requirements in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 management within the scope of activities of "Management of Research Institutions and Community Service" with certificate number: 144410A. Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 21/DIKTI/Kep/2014 concerning Higher Education Research Performance within the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2010 - 2012, Unesa was included in the primary cluster of higher education.
Several center of studies which is the part of LPPM Unesa include:
- Center for Business Incubation
- Center for Real Work Lecture and Community Engagement
- Center for Community Service and Science and Technology Marketing
- Center for Intellectual Property Rights, Product Certification and Innovation
- Center for Scientific Publications
- Center for Research and Strengthening Innovation
- Center for Literacy Studies
- Center for Gender and Child Studies
- Unesa Halal Center
- Center for Disability Services Studies
- Center for the Sport Sciences
- Center for Arts and Culture Studies
- Ideology Development Center
For further information about LPPM Unesa, please visit http://lppm.unesa.ac.id