Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - The national film (HFN) day is commemorated every 30 March. On the 75th commemoration of 2025, HFN carries the tagline 'A Jad the ...
unesa.ac.id., Surabaya - After a full month holding hunger and thirst, Eid is a moment that is awaited with joy. A warm atmosphere with family, the ...
unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Back every victory, there is always a story of struggle. That is reflected in the journey of Aisyah Al Khumaira, a German Language ...
href = "// UNESA.ac.id/">unesa.ac.id. Surabaya - Hunger and drink all day during the fasting month there is indeed a tendency for decreased muscle mass in most ...
unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA — SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) Continue to transform as one of the leading State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia. Every year, the campus nicknamed 'homes ...