The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance
The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (hereinafter referred to as LP3M) is a new institution in Unesa. This institution was formed in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2016 concerning the Organization and Administration of the Universitas Negeri Surabaya. LP3M's task is to carry out coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of learning development activities and quality assurance.
Carrying out the tasks as listed above, LP3M duties are:
- Formulating institutional plans, programs and budgets;
- Coordinating the implementation of learning development activities;
- Implementing the development of an academic quality assurance system;
- Implementing the academic quality assurance;
- Implementing the academic quality improvement facilities;
- Monitoring, evaluating and compiling reports on the implementation of learning development activities and academic quality assurance;
- Implementing the internal affairs.
The centers in LP3M are:
- Center for Teacher Professional Education Center (P3G);
- Center for the Management of Learning and Field Practice (P4L);
- Center for Curriculum and Learning Resources (P2KSB);
- Center for Learning Development and Instructional Activities (P3AI);
- Center for Character Development and Guidance and Counseling Services (P2KLBK);
- Quality Assurance Center (PPM).
For further information about LP3M, please visit