Vision and Mission
1. Vision
Universitas Negeri Surabaya has a vision to be excellent in education and strong in science.
2. Mission
The mission of Unesa Based on Rector Decree No. 166/H38/HK.01.23/KL/2009, 21 August 2009 is as follows:
- To conduct education and learning centred on students by using effective instructional approaches, and optimizing the use of technology
- To conduct researches in educational sciences, natural sciences, social and cultural sciences, arts, and/or sports, and developments of technologies whose findings are beneficial for the development of sciences and public welfares
- To disseminate science, technology, arts, culture and sports, and research results through community service oriented towards empowering and civilizing society
- To realize Unesa an educational centre, especially for primary and secondary educations as well as a scientific center based on the noble values of national culture
- To conduct an autonomous, accountable, and transparent high educational governance for a sustainable quality assurance and improvement.
3. Purpose
Universitas Negeri Surabaya has a purpose to carry out higher education, research, and service to the community.
4. Goal
Universitas Negeri Surabaya has the goal to:
- Graduate an intelligent, religious, noble, independent, professional and excellent student;
- Produce excellent scientific and creative works in education and science as well as become a reference in both science and/or technology application;
- Engage in community service through science and/or technology application to create an independent, productive, and prosperous society;
- Make the Universitas Negeri Surabaya as education and science centre carrying the noble values of national culture; and
- Produce effective and efficient institutional performance by creating a humanistic academic climate as well as a transparent, accountable, responsive, and just institutional management to ensure the implementation quality of the tri-dharma of higher education sustainably.
5. Motto
The motto of Universitas Negeri Surabaya is Growing with Character which can be achieved through Idaman Jelita character building consisting of iman (faith), cerdas (intelligence), mandiri (independence), jujur (honesty), peduli (caring), and tangguh (firmness).