UNESA Leaders, Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., (second from left) and his staff inspected directly to ensure the smooth running of the UTBK disability session at the Training Center, UNESA Rectorate
Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—A total of 9 participants with disabilities looked enthusiastic and optimistic taking the third session of the Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK) at the Training Center, 4th floor of the Rectorate Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Thursday, May 2 2024.
"This disability session was attended by 2 blind participants and 7 quadriplegic participants. We focused this test on one place, namely at the Rectorate to make it easier for participants. In Surabaya, the disability session is only at UNESA ," said Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., Deputy Chancellor 1 of UNESA.
The FMIPA professor who leads the academic, student affairs and alumni sectors added that the UTBK test for this special disability session is a commitment to provide access and opportunities to pursue education. highly to all, disabled and non-disabled.
Accompanied by lecturers and students, disabled participants, Akbar Pratama seemed enthusiastic about entering the UTBK test room at the Training Center, UNESA Rectorate.
"So "There is no discrimination, we give everyone the opportunity and prepare disability-friendly facilities. Apart from providing supervisors and assistants from PLB lecturers and students as well as from SMCC for each participant, special equipment is also prepared," he explained.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Infrastructure and Information Technology, and Data Center, I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana, S.Kom., M.Kom., added, in terms of preparation for the disability session, it is almost the same as the previous year.
From On the application side, NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) technology was prepared to help blind participants read and understand the question text. The text on the screen is transformed into sound. Apart from that, there was also reglet assistance from the center.
The blind participant, Pria Asmara Dewa, was focused and seemed enthusiastic about working on UTBK questions at the Rectorate Building Training Center, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya .
Head of Admissions Sub-Directorate and Student Graduation, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., said that the implementation of the UTBK test at UNESA since the first day had generally gone smoothly. Including special sessions for disabilities.
"UNESA's commitment is to provide opportunities and facilitate disabled and non-disabled participants through a number of preparations, so that disabled participants can take the test comfortably and smoothly," said Sukarmin.
UNESA's commitment to disability is not only in the implementation of UTBK, but also through opening independent admissions for disabilities. Participants who, for example, have not succeeded in the UTBK route, can use their UTBK score to register in the independent route for the disability category or the non-disability test route.
Ferdinan Valentino, blind participant accompanied by a companion prepares documents before starting the UTBK test.
Ferdinand Valentino , one of the blind participants said that the test he took went smoothly. He has made preparations so he doesn't get nervous when faced with UTBK questions. “I have studied and am fluent. "Earlier there were several questions that I studied, but they didn't come out," said the participant who was accompanied by his father.
The man who is familiarly called Valen initially felt he didn't have the confidence to go to college. However, in order to study with the support of his parents, he chose to fight to enter UNESA via the UTBK route. At UNESA he chose the Bachelor of Special Education (PLB) and Bachelor of Communication Sciences study programs.
“I had my own motivation to take these study programs. I chose the Bachelor's Degree in PLB, wanting to be like the graduate students with disabilities who have superior grades that can compete with people in general. "Hopefully the results of this test can be optimal and I can enter UNESA," said Valen enthusiastically. []
Reporter: Tarisa Adistya (FBS) and Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team DocumentationShare It On: