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Student services and Facilities

Unesa students can express their interest in various fields at which Unesa fully supports including arts, designs, sports, and sciences. Students can deepen their knowledge not only through classes, but also student organizations. Therefore, come to graduation time, Unesa students are well prepared to achieve their goals successfully. Just as Unesa’s motto, we strive for a better future by a quality and moral based institution.

Unesa Stock Exchange

A real-time experience for students to trade on the stock exchange.

Unesa Job Centre

The centre’s staff equips students with new skills and knowledge to improve their communication skills.

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Precinct.

In partnership with IDB, Unesa has developed a strong, forward-thinking foundation for science-relevant research that is producing graduates for the human resource and science sectors. This is an innovative facility driving the search for better methods of diagnosing and experimenting a range of mathematics and natural science phenomena that affect millions of people worldwide.

Unesa Digital Creativity Laboratories.

Students can use new computer labs with a high-speed capacity server for fast software access, as well as, high powered computers and room layouts that encourage creative collaboration. Access to computer laboratories is available during university hours.

Unesa Library

With a comprehensive book and e-text selection, students can use the latest publications and technologies to facilitate learning.

Unesa Language Centre

Provides a wide range of language support academic programs to help students develop their study and language skills.

Unesa Food Court

Choices include a variety of canteens, and food stalls with regular live music stages. Unesa Food Court has recently introduced a number of modern catering to a variety of tastes, including Western, Australia, and Thai. Halal food is available on the Unesa Campus.

International Students’ Committee

The main representative body for international students at Unesa.

Unesa’s Security and Smoke Free Campus

Provides 24-hour security patrols to help make student feel safe at Unesa campus. All of Unesa campuses are completely smoke free.

Unesa International Stadium.

It is easier to maintain a healthy and active life with Unesa International Stadium, an award winning sport and fitness complex featuring a modern gymnasium, group fitness, and spin room.

Unesa Disability Services

Unesa provides a free and confidential support service to help students and staff get the most from their time at the university. A free and confidential service available for prospective and enrolled students, including students at our regional campuses.

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E-Layanan Unesa