The Infrastructure and Information Technology Team, and the UNESA Data Center check network devices in each UTBK test room.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The 2024 Computer Based Written Examination (UTBK) is just a matter of days away. According to the schedule, the test for the National Selection Based on Test (SNBT) will be held on April 30 and May 2-7 2024 for the first wave. Meanwhile, the second wave will be on 14-20 May 2024.
UTBK will be held at a number of universities, one of which is Surabaya State University (UNESA), which this year was chosen by 23,719 participants as the test location. The number of participants who chose the 'Home of Champions' campus for this year's UTBK test increased from the previous year at 23,252 participants.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., said that UNESA is one of the favorite test places for UTBK participants. The number of test takers at UNESA continues to increase. They came from various regions throughout Indonesia.
“Most of the participants were from East Java. There are participants from Central Java, East Kalimantan, Sumatra, Riau, Sulawesi, Aceh and Papua who will take the test at UNESA. "This is an extraordinary number, we are managing this test well so that participants can test comfortably and smoothly," he said.
Prepare a Total of 1,098 Computer Units
Head of Sub-Directorate Infrastructure and Information Technology, and Data Center, I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana, S.Kom., M.Kom., said that various preparations had been made to welcome the implementation of UTBK.
From the aspect of network infrastructure, it has been Physical checks were carried out to ensure everything was safe. Likewise with the computers, the total number of computers prepared was 990 main computers plus 108 spare computers.
The operating system and test software were also confirmed to be running well and last Friday, a national trial of the UTBK system was carried out and everything went smoothly," he said.
The Infrastructure and Information Technology Team, and the UNESA Data Center ensure that every computer unit is ready to use for the UTBK test.
Apart from internal preparations, UNESA is also coordinating with a number of related parties. First, the Lakarsantri Police to secure and ensure traffic so that there are no traffic jams around the campus area.< /p>
Second, PLN to ensure the smooth supply of electricity during the implementation of UTBK. The electricity network has created a different route for UTBK, to anticipate things that disrupt the smooth running of the test.
Third, internet service providers for the UTBK. ensuring network availability is smooth and there are no obstacles. "We have asked service providers to create an internet network with more than two lines as a backup when the main line has problems," he explained.
Apart from that, UNESA also directed the internal team. from security officers, SMCC volunteers, and no less important, namely room technicians and supervisors who will help participants when technical problems occur.
Test Location
Director of Public Relations and Public Information, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., MA., added that the UTBK test at UNESA was carried out on two campuses. First, at Campus 1 Ketintang with a participant quota for each session of around 505 participants. Second, at Campus 2 Lidah Wetan with 425 participants.
He appealed to all participants to check the test location with virtual orientation via Google Map and plan the trip with the right estimate.
Very Participants are advised to come directly to check the location, room, building and place or seat number. Participants can check the location starting Friday, April 26 2024.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation, (left), Head of Sub-Directorate for Infrastructure and Information Technology, and Data Center, (middle), and Director of Public Relations and Public Information (right) at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.
Location checking This is important to do, both for native Surabaya participants and those outside the region. Previous cases of lateness for UTBK participants were mostly caused by the wrong location or the wrong campus.
"The place for the test should have been at Campus 2, but instead they arrived at Campus 1. In fact, the distance between campus 1 and campus 2 is quite far. That's why check first the test location to avoid the risk of delays," he said.
You need to be prepared
Vinda Maya advises participants to arrive early. The best is one hour earlier than the scheduled time to enter the test room. So that you don't rush and can calm yourself down before the test takes place.
Coming for the test, participants must bring their UTBK participant card and participant documents, namely a photocopy of a legalized diploma for 2022 and 2023 graduates, or a graduation certificate issued by the school for 2024 graduates.
This certificate must contain the same photo as the photo of the UTBK participant card and the school's official seal or seal. "Don't forget to prepare yourself, practice answering routine questions, prepare the required documents, and pray. Hopefully the results will be optimal," he advised. []
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation< /p>
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