DWP UNESA held halalbihalal while celebrating Kartini Day by discussing the role of women in the digital era.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA–In order to strengthen friendship, Dharma WanitaSatu (DWP) Surabaya State University (DWP UNESA) held a halalbihalal which was attended by the entire DWP UNESA family in the Auditorium, K9 Building, Vocational Faculty, Campus 1 Ketintang, on Tuesday, April 23 2024.
Chairman of the UNESA Vocational DWP, Tuty Noor Karyatama Utami, S.Pd. said, this halalbihalal activity as well as Kartini Day celebration aims to strengthen the relationship between the entire extended family in making various UNESA DWP programs a success in the future.
"UNESA PTN-BH is increasingly challenging, therefore support and collaboration from all parties including DWP. This is also part of internal strengthening with the hope that we will remain united and productive," he said.
The Chair of the UNESA DWP gave a speech and appreciated the important role of the entire UNESA DWP family in provide support for UNESA PTN-BH.
Chairman of DWP UNESA, Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., appreciated the cooperation and togetherness of the UNESA DWP administrators and members during various activities on and off campus.
"The enthusiasm is truly extraordinary from the UNESA DWP members and administrators which we need to look after in the future. Hopefully this friendship will continue well," he hoped.
Hj challenges and roles of women in the era of digital technology.
In his statement , Lecturer at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya (UINSA), Hj. Nur Cita Qomariyah, M.Kom.I., conveyed about 'Tough Women in the Digital Economy Era.'
A tough woman is not one who is physically muscular, but a pious woman who can interpret herself so that it can be useful for herself. , family, and people. "The digital era is now changing the world of children and the role of the mother is becoming increasingly challenging," he explained.
The role of the mother, no can be replaced by anything. Mothers are required to be able to accompany their sons and daughters so that they can continue to grow and develop into pious and pious children, to become a strong generation.
A mother's duty is not only to give birth to a generation that is strong outwardly, but also internally. "A successful mother is a mother who can be an example for her children so that they grow up to be a generation that is rabbani, civilized and has good morals," he said in an activity attended by Vocational leaders.[]
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Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations team documentation
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