Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Vocational Program is one of the pilot programs for several other campuses. The Director of the Vocational Program together with his representatives explained many things about applied undergraduates, from registration, the course process to graduate careers at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) on Wednesday, February 23, 2022.
On that occasion, the Director of Vocational, Dr. Martadi, M. Sn. accompanied by Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd., Deputy Director for General Affairs. Martadi explained, Vocational Studies consist of D-4 or applied undergraduate programs that are different from S-1 or academic undergraduate programs.
According to him, in terms of qualifications, they are both undergraduates, but applied graduates emphasize graduates on skills or skills so that graduates are immediately ready to work in the world of work and industry (DUDI). "Lecture packaging in D-4, 70 percent is practical and 30 percent is academic theory," explained the UNESA Education Specialist.
In addition, the teaching staff in the Vocational Program are not only from universities, but also involve practitioners, experts and professionals to participate in teaching and share knowledge and skills in Vocational Studies. "Thus, from the beginning, our brothers and sisters already have an idea of how they will work later, what competencies are needed, then what attitudes or soft skills are needed," he explained.

The UNESA Vocational Program oversees 10 study programs which in 2019 upgraded from D-3 to applied undergraduate or D-4. As for the study program in question;
- D-4 Mechanical Engineering
- D-4 Electrical Engineering
- D-4 Civil Engineering
- D-4 Transportation
- D-4 Catering
- D-4 Dressmaking
- D-4 Information Management
- D-4 State Administration
- D-4 Graphic Design
- D-4 Sports Coaching
Dr. Warju added that the study program that has the highest interest in the Vocational Program is the D-4 State Administration with a tightness ratio of 1:12, then there is the D-4 Graphic Design with a tightness ratio of 1:10. "Basically, all study programs are quite strict, but the most competitive are the study programs that I mentioned earlier," he explained.
He added, for the graduate profile, the Vocational Program not only produces graduates who are ready to work at DUDI, but also prepares entrepreneurs. Can D-4 graduates become ASN? "Of course you can, and you really can because the qualifications of this applied scholar are the same as S-1 and are valued the same, so there's no need to worry," he added.
“The UNESA Vocational learning pattern is project-based. Because it is based on this project, there are 2 sides that benefit students, the first is that they are used to projects because they are used to practicing while in college, then secondly, their way of thinking and skills are also more mature and have comprehensive abilities to be ready to work in the world of work and industry, "explained Abdul Hafidz. [UNESA PR]
Author: Ulum 'Izzati
Editor: @zam*
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