Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) has seven faculties, including the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) located on the Ketintang Campus, Surabaya. The faculty is part of the faculty that houses several study programs with high demand from year to year.
This was conveyed by the Dean of FISH, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A., at the online UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) on Monday, February 21, 2022. In the socialization event for the 2022 new student admissions, the dean was accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Wiwik Sri Utami, MP., and Head of the Department of Public Administration, Dr. Tjitjik Rahaju, M.Sc.
Prof. M. Turhan Yani said that FISH has eight study programs. Four educational study programs and four non-education study programs. The education study programs are;
- S-1 Study Program of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn)
- S-1 History Education Study Program
- Geography Education S-1 Study Program
- Social Science Education (IPS) S-1 Study Program
The four non-education study programs at FISH are;
- S-1 Public Administration Study Program
- S-1 Legal Studies Study Program
- S-1 Communication Science Study Program
- S-1 Sociology Study Program
The Dean continued, all study programs at FISH are in great demand by prospective new students, the number of applicants continues to increase. Even a number of study programs, including Communication Studies and Law study programs, are included in the top 10 most in-demand study programs at UNESA. "Five of our study programs have A accreditation and three B accreditation programs. We are already preparing to get international accreditation," he explained.
FISH graduate study programs, for those who study education programs are indeed prepared to take part in the field of education according to their respective scientific disciplines. Graduates are certainly prepared to become teachers, education activists, researchers and even observers or observers of education. In addition, of course, you can also become an edupreneur or entrepreneur in the field of education.
Meanwhile, non-education study programs can certainly have a career in various government and private institutions. "Many of our graduates, Legal Studies study program are involved and work in law enforcement agencies, many Communication Studies graduates become experts or practitioners of communication and public relations in various institutions, and many more," he explained.
Wiwik Sri Utami explained that all study programs at FISH, both educational and non-educational, have their own laboratories as a place to practice and develop student competencies. For example, the education study program has a micro teaching laboratory supported by IT. What students experience in teaching practice, already resembles the atmosphere and situation in the actual chasing class.
“The learning packages or lectures at FISH really equip students with theory and practice. The Law Study Program actually has practice in the trial lab which resembles the actual trial procedure and atmosphere. What does it mean, this is an effort to produce superior quality and professional graduates in their respective fields, so that when they are in the field they are ready to perform or demonstrate competence," he explained.
Tjitjik Rahaju said that the Department of Public Administration, FISH has so far produced graduates who have careers in various institutions. Some are administrators and experts both in BUMN and even in the legislature, there are those in provincial, district and even city governments. In addition, there are those in the community empowerment sector.
“Our graduate profiles are administrator, public policy analysis, organizational sector analysis and community empowerment facilitator. This study program strengthens graduates so that they are able to have a career and compete in various sectors and institutions," he said. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Muhammad Haikal Shamim Waskito
Editor: @zam*
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