Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya (FT UNESA) is one of the faculties that has produced many innovations and contributed to various achievements. The faculty, which is headquartered at UNESA Ketintang Campus, attracts many applicants every year.
"The study programs that compete in FT are, S-1 Nutrition, S-1 Informatics Engineering, S-1 Civil Engineering to S-1 Information Systems," said the Dean of FT, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. He continued, until now, FT UNESA has 13 study programs as follows:
- S-1 Electrical Engineering Study Program
- S-1 Informatics Engineering Study Program
- S-1 Civil Engineering Study Program
- S-1 Information Systems Study Program
- Mechanical Engineering S-1 Study Program
- Nutritional Undergraduate Study Program
- Information Technology Education S-1 Study Program
- S-1 Building Engineering Education Study Program
- Electrical Engineering Education S-1 Study Program
- Mechanical Engineering Education S-1 Study Program
- S-1 Study Program of Catering Education
- S-1 Fashion Design Study Program
- S-1 Cosmetology Education Study Program
Drs. Edy Sulistiyo, M.Pd., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, said that on average, these study programs have been accredited A and B. In addition, three of them have been accredited internationally, ASIIN. The three study programs in question are S-1 Electrical Engineering Education, S-1 Building Engineering Education and S-1 Mechanical Engineering Education.
He added, FT lecturers and students gave birth to various innovations, the latest for example, designing the Gen-1 and Gen-2 Kece Robots to help health workers in handling Covid-19 patients. The robot was handed over to the East Java Provincial Government and used in a number of hospitals. Then, recently, the FT lecturer designed Motor Kece, an electric motorcycle for people with disabilities.

Then, as a form of community service, FT lecturers are also often involved in technology transfer for MSMEs and residents in the regions. Some of the machines designed by FT include an Automatic Tempering Machine to increase the productivity of Ledug Coffee in the Prigen area, Pasuruan. Then, a special machine for bakpia processing to help improve the economy of the people in Magetan. Apart from that, there is much more.
FT, also often won various achievements both at national and international levels. Recently, for example, winning the Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE), the Electric Car Contest in Malaysia, the Bridge Competition, the International Robot Competition, the Gemastik Competition and so on.
“If you take part in the robot contest, it is not only a collaboration between the electrical and informatics majors, but all students can also join. The system is collaborative, for example a dance robot contest, clothing designs from fashion, mechanics from Mechanical Engineering, electricity from Electrical Engineering, programming from Informatics Engineering, "said Edy Sulistiyo.

Priyo Heru Adiwibowo, S.T., M.T., Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department explained that FT continues to be committed to producing competent graduates, ready to take action and innovate in various situations based on their fields of expertise. Students not only study on campus and their study programs, but are also encouraged to study, share experiences with students from various overseas campuses and learn to improve competence at international partner institutions.
In 2020 for example, there were about 11 students from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Engineering who took part in an internship in Japan for 1 semester at PT. Sony Electronics. The 11 students in addition to getting skills and intensive skills, they also received 3 competition certificates, namely a certificate of occupational health and safety, a certificate of quality control and a certificate of work culture. "Mechanical Engineering itself has 2 offers, namely from PT. ISUZU and SUZUKI were in Japan for 1 semester, but failed due to the Covid-19 pandemic," explained Priyo Heru Adiwibowo.
MBKM applied in FT is suitable for cultivating the talents of other students. The education taken is PLP or internship for 1 semester and weighs 20 credits. Meanwhile, for non-educational activities, namely KKN and industrial practice for 1 semester with a weight of 20 credits. [UNESA PR]
Author: Reyka Ayu
Editor: @zam*
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