Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–In order to ensure the assessment of the 2021 SKP and Employee Work Behavior, the State University of Surabaya held a Socialization and Technical Guidance on the Assessment of the SKP and Employee Work Behavior in 2021 based on the provisions for implementing PP No. 30 of 2019 concerning PNS Performance Assessment. This activity was held on Monday-Tuesday, January 24-25, 2022 in the 11th Floor Auditorium Room, UNESA Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
In his speech, Dr. Sulaksono, S.H., M.H. as the Head of the UNESA General and Finance Bureau said that the purpose of this activity was to socialize the Technical Guidance on the Assessment of SKP and Employee Work Behavior in 2021 based on the provisions for implementing PP No. 30 of 2019 concerning PNS Performance Assessment. "Performance and behavior are the authority to maintain the quality of employee performance and service," he said.
This socialization activity was carried out offline and online, around 114 participants from the lecturers and staff attended offline. Also in attendance were the deputy dean for general and finance, the deputy dean for academics, the deputy director for vocations, the head of the department and staffing within UNESA.
Hanjar Basuki, S.Kom, M.M., as Associate Expert Policy Analyst and Coordinator of Planning and Information Systems, stated that employees will later compile and conduct assessments using the new SKP. PP Number 30 of 2019 itself has the aim of ensuring the objectivity of civil servant coaching which is carried out based on the achievement system and career system. Performance appraisal itself is one of a series in the performance management system of civil servants. "Good performance management supports organizations to provide rewards and organizational development, while good awards and development support organizational performance," he explained.
In making SKP (employee performance targets), there are 4 SKP performance management systems that must be made, namely performance planning, implementation, monitoring and coaching performance, performance appraisal and follow-up. Unlike in the preparation of the previous SKP, in the SKP based on Government Regulation No. 30 of 2019, employee performance targets contain performance based on results-based cascading obtained through performance dialogue.
During these two days, the participants learned and got to know how to make SKP in accordance with PP No. 30 of 2019 concerning PNS Performance Assessment. Sulaksono hopes that, through this socialization effort, UNESA can improve the quality of employee performance. In line with this, employees can provide maximum service quality improvements to the UNESA academic community. (UNESA PR)
Reporter: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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