Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Surabaya State University (Unesa) successfully held a competency grant socialization activity for lecturers and educational staff (non degree program) on Thursday (20/5/2021).
This activity aims to improve the competence of lecturers and education staff as well as support competency programs by the Directorate of Resources, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Unesa at the opening of the event explained that the competency program has eight activities, including internship for lecturers in industry, partnership between LPTK lecturers and teachers in schools, world class professors, shame academic for mobility exchange, post -doctoral, competency certification for lecturers and staff, and apprenticeship for teaching staff to universities.
The socialization activity was attended by Dr. Nanik Indahwati, S.Pd., M.Pd and Dr. Bachtiar Saiful Bahri, M.Pd, head of LP3 Unesa and Sri Usodoningtyas, S.Pd. On that occasion, Nanik explained, if the program aims to provide the widest possible opportunity for lecturers and education staff to be able to see and be directly involved in the application of a field or subject that is engaged in industry or the world of work.
Meanwhile, Bachtiar explained that the demands of education in the 21st century are increasingly complex so that it requires broad insights and qualified competences. "Not only lecturers who teach at schools, but lecturers can also study at school with teachers, which later will apply the knowledge back to campus and hopefully can improve the teaching system in higher education," he added.
The outreach activity ended with a presentation on the apprenticeship program for teaching staff in tertiary institutions by Dr. Sulaksono, S.H., M.H., "This socialization is more to improve the skills and professionalism of lecturers and educational staff," said Sulaksono. (Nov / zam)
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