Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In order to improve the quality and accountability of the institution's performance, all levels of faculty leaders and work units around UNESA simultaneously carried out the movement to fill in the employee performance targets (SKP) on Monday (16/08/2021).
This virtual activity was attended by the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. On that occasion, the Chancellor said that performance accountability is one aspect that must be continuously improved.
"UNESA's commitment and mission as part of a government institution is trying to be transparent and accountable, so that it can guarantee the quality and improve the quality of the institution," he said.
He added that the fulfillment of the SKP is very important and becomes the basis for the criteria for the performance accountability system of government agencies (SAKIP). "Hopefully, through this coordination, UNESA will be able to make another achievement like the SAKIP award in 2020 which won two national champions at once," he hoped.
Also on this occasion, the Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., gave directions that SAKIP is a performance assessment to improve efficiency and effectiveness as well as performance accountability in each unit of government institutions.
"The points that become the assessment criteria are reviewed in terms of strategic plans, targets, supervision, assessment processes and performance measurements contained in each internal work unit," he explained.
Not only that, individual performance agreements (PK) are also carried out as a tangible manifestation of a shared commitment to improve the integrity, accountability, transparency and performance of the apparatus as well as a reference for performance evaluation, awarding and sanctioning to become guidelines in monitoring and evaluation.
"Hopefully the performance of UNESA institutions will be even better, more compact, more collaborative, and innovative for UNESA who are superior and have achievements," he hoped. (Yrs/zam)
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