Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In order to produce quality education that is globally competitive and has an international network, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a webinar "Advanced Studies and Prospects of Collaborating Research with Foreign Universities" on Friday, 22 April 2022. On that occasion, the leadership of UNESA encouraged lecturers and students to develop themselves through further study to a higher level, both at home and abroad.
The speakers who attended were Bagus Putra Muljadi, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. as Assistant Professor at The University of Nottingham, Wahyudi Agustiono, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D., as Assoc. Prof at Department of Information Systems University of Trunojoyo, and Achmad Faried, S.T., Australian and New Zealand Dedicated Counselor Destinations at IDP Education Ltd.
Wahyudi Agustiono on that occasion shared information based on his experiences while studying for his master's degree at Waseda University, Japan and his doctoral degree at Deakin University, Australia. He revealed, there are differences in the mindset of the Indonesian people with outsiders in viewing science and technology.
"In Indonesia, the science is like rice, the more it contains, the more it bends down. It's different with people from abroad, they have knowledge of wheat, that is, the thicker it is, the more upright it is or show," he said. For those who are interested in studying abroad. Based on his experience, at least he must have certain strategies, including the following strategies:
Started with intention. Make an effort to invest time in studying. 1) English course for Academic Purposes. 2) Pass one day one page. 3) Follow the paper according to the field of science. 4) Collect files. 5) Looking for supervisor candidates, and 6) Writing proposals.
“There are many ways to go abroad from other friends too, only students and lecturers can identify their destination to which campus and which country, of course the method is a bit different. But one important thing, foreign language skills. It's non-negotiable," he said. "The differences between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination," he motivated.
IDP, he continued, is the largest education consultant-based education agency in various countries in Asia. IDP helps to find potential supervisors in four countries, namely the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. IDP aims to help lecturers who want to continue their studies abroad, especially in masters and doctoral (Ph.D) programs.
IDP helps all the process of further study abroad from the beginning, consultations can also be used to determine which country suits your study interests, apply for documents while waiting for scholarships, and make visas. “How to start your Ph.D. journey. The only agency that cooperates to be able to study abroad from all these universities is IDP," said Achmad Faried.
The Ph.D program, he continued, could not be done quickly. The process of applying for documents to be able to leave takes about 1-2 years and the fastest is 6 months. Preparation of documents (research proposal), personal statement (to seek scholarships), CV must include a list of obligations that have been carried out by the applicant, prepare other important documents, and expression of interest (what is the background of the applicant for the Ph.D program).
Sharing about research and scholarship collaboration regarding further studies in the UK (United Kingdom). In 2021 February, The University of Nottingham has a joint spirit with the University of Warwick, University of Canterbury, UGM, UI, ITB, IPB to enter into all MoU agreements to form a concorsio of these 7 universities and the chancellors join UK members facilitated by the two embassy to create a sponsorship whose purpose is to create a free movement zone source.
"The practical spirit is to bridge the transfer of technology and transfer of knowledge," explained Muljadi. There is much that Indonesia can contribute to the UK, especially in solving practical problems the two countries face together, such as north zero, emissions targets, electrical, health, and so on.
This event was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Dean of FMIPA UNESA Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, FMIPA UNESA Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Hj. Masriyah, M.Pd., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, FMIPA UNESA Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd and all lecturers and students around FMIPA UNESA.
Author: Fionna Ayu Shabrina
Editor: @zam*
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