Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Welcoming World Stroke Day which is commemorated every October 29, UNESA's Center for the Study of Sports Science (PKIK) together with National Hospital Surabaya, Kortex, Indonesia Brain Spine Community and Granostic held a webinar "Stroke Prevention and Increasing the Degree of Physical Activity of the UNESA Academic Community" on Thursday, 21 October 2021 on the 11th Floor of the UNESA Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus.
As presenters, the activity was attended by four speakers; 1) dr. Gigih Pramono, Sp.BS from KORTEX, 2) Dr. Lilih Dwi Priyanto, M.MT Head of Brain Spine Community, 3) Dr. Moch. Purnomo, M.Kes Head of PKIK UNESA, 4) Visits Ashadi, S.Pd., M.Fis., AIFO as Secretary of PKIK. In the material delivery session, the activity was guided by dr. Aji Wibowo as moderator.
The head of the event organizer, Muhammad Dzul Fikri, S.Or., M.Pd stated that the webinar was held to celebrate World Stroke Day on October 29, 2021. The goal is one of the steps to increase the degree of physical activity so as to avoid the cause of the highest death in the world. .
Through his speech, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni of UNESA said that this webinar can provide a lot of inspiration as well as instructions on how to maintain health and fitness and how to increase daily physical activity so that you can avoid stroke. According to him, physical activity in the future will be a necessity for everyone. "A healthy lifestyle, moving a lot is one thing that can be done to prevent stroke," he said.
On that occasion, Moch. Purnomo delivered material on 'Conditions of Physical Activity and Health Degrees of the UNESA Academic Community'. Based on the 2021 data, he explained that the physical activity of the UNESA academic community, both students and lecturers, was still low and under the WHO recommendation, which every week was at least 150 minutes with moderate intensity. According to him, students and lecturers must continue to be encouraged to continue to increase physical activity and health status in the future.
Meanwhile, Kunjung Ashadi explained about 'Sports and Physical Activities for the UNESA Academic Community to Have Good Health Degrees and Avoid Stroke'. According to him, there is no other way to avoid stroke except to avoid or reduce the causative factors. Such as avoiding lazy movement and not smoking. Then what must be done is to do a lot of physical movement, exercise regularly, eat a good diet and most importantly avoid smoking. For those who have a habit can be reduced slowly. Meanwhile, for those who do not smoke to maintain it.
Then, the third speaker, Lilih Dwi Priyanto, appeared with a different style of delivery, such as a motivator. At first he asked the participants to recall past events, childhood, events at school and with family. He then asked the participants to stand up and then clapped the scouts together. After that, invite participants to put their right hand on their left chest. He invites reflection of God's presence every heartbeat and blood flow.
dr. Gigih Pramono stated that stroke ranks second in the world as a cause of death after heart death. Because it needs to be careful. To increase awareness and vigilance against the disease, a special memorial day was made. Stroke is a brain blood vessel disorder that is sudden. There are two types of known stroke namely; 1) stroke due to blockage or ischemic stroke, and 2) stroke due to rupture of blood vessels or hemorrhagic stroke.
There are things to watch out for in stroke; 1) There is weakness in half of the face, usually followed by difficulty closing the eyes. 2) Weakness in one limb or arm. 3) Speech disorders including difficulty capturing words. According to him, the best treatment for stroke is immediately taken to the right place, namely the hospital.
According to him, the key to being healthy is; 1) pay attention to the spine or spine. Get used to sitting up straight, not bending over and so on, especially when in front of a laptop or holding a cellphone. 2) pay attention to blood circulation that can be maintained with good activities, so that the heart pump functions optimally.
The webinar event ended with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between UNESA and PT Kortex Global Sejahtera which was witnessed by participants and invited guests who were attended by many parties. Starting from the ranks of UNESA leaders, directors, heads of departments, ranks of deans around UNESA. It was also attended by the ranks of the Center for the Study of Sports Science from UNESA, the leadership of Kortex, Brain Spine Indonesia, National Hospital Surabaya and from Edelweiss Hospital.
Dr. Agus Chairul Anab, Sp., BS., Director of PT Kortex Global Sejahtera stated that the MoU was in the context of a collaborative effort to improve health quality. Kortex is a health service provider that moves from promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative. "Hopefully this collaboration will bring benefits to improve the quality of the people of East Java and Indonesia in general," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
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