Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The activity of Making the report of holding PPG in 2020 is closed. Sunday (13/12), this activity is done in 4 days and attended by the leaders of university, faculty, and LP3M. Located in Suite Surabaya Hotel, the event is held very well and using health protocol such as mask, washing hands, and keeping distance.
The Rector of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes in his speech expressed his gratittude and appreciation for the participants who had participated in the activity. Also, Cak Hasan, a familiar greeting for the rector, also evaluated the implementation of PPG in Unesa which was carried out in the middle of the pandemic nowadays.
"On behalf of the institution greatly appreciate the participants who have attended and prepared the final report. In order to maintain the institution and commitment of every element that implements PPG in Unesa," said Cak Hasan.
Related to PPG, he revealed that it will be a refocusing plan from Mas Menteri concerning the implementation of PPG in LPTK and ex-LPTK. Furthermore, Cak Hasan said that Mas Menteri is still not satisfied with the results of PPG that has been organized by LPTK.
"Hopefully it becomes the thought of all of us to introspect ourselves as ex LPTK because it seems that Mas Menteri is not satisfied with the results carried out by LPTK. The data showed that the test for teacher competence’s still low. From the data, it seems that the ministers look at the shortcomings that we arrange together. Not only Unesa, but also other ex LPTK that there is no innovation, creativity and can not adapt in this digital era," explained the rector.
Cak Hasan invites every element involved to be more courageous in innovating, creativity and collaboration. The independent curriculum of free campus learning that has been proclaimed by The Minister Mas, according to Cak Hasan must be properly applied so that Unesa can be in line with the slogan carried so far, that is #UnesaSatuLangkahDiDepan.
"Therefore, we are critical, there are several manuals of PPG implementation process that already exist. We must be brave, lecturers must be independent, The educational staff must be independent, teachers must be independent. We should be resilient and having courage in innovating, collaborating to adapt in this era. Whoever is an individual or a group that is able to adapt in this era, he will be a winner," he said.
Considering that next semester's lectures are still implementing an online system, the rector also assigns to the relevant parties so that the facilities and infrastructure to support the lecture can be done to the maximum. In addition, there needs to be improvement of learning methods in order to create a lecture atmosphere that is not boring and enjoyable.
"The IT team at Unesa must be able to adapt to the situation considering that next semester's lectures are still held online. It is also necessary to input into the academic field in order to create fun and non-boring learning methods. In the future, we are required to be able to improve the quality of lecturers and ask that lecturers can also be creative to innovate because there is a digital transformation that we must build together," he concluded. (Suryo)
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