Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The Pandemic of Covid-19 virus makes us doing new habit for students, especially at State University of Surabaya on how to write scientific articles that can be published in accredited journals. As one of the events titled VR2TD (Virtual Research of Roundtable Discussion) with the theme Scientific Articles as the output of thesis during the Covid-19 pandemic. This event was held by PKM Team (Community Service) Faculty of Education Unesa.
By presenting 3 speakers, the first is Nurul Khotimah, S.Pd., M.Pd (Chairmanjurusan PG PAUD Unesa), then the second is Muhammad Reza, S.Pd., M.Si (Lecturer PG PAUD Unesa), and the third Wulan Patria S, S.Psi., M.Pd., Ph.D (Lecturer PG PAUD Unesa).
"The results of this scientific article writing training activity are awesome. Participants of the class of 2016 PG PAUD were also finally able to understand and compile their scientific articles directly" appreciation Khotimah, Head of PG PAUD FIP Unesa Department.
This event was held through a virtual zoom meeting attended by 80 participants. The method that is used is Training of Trainer (ToT). where in addition to theory, then continued with the practice of writing so that participants can feel the writing training using survey methods and guided by experts.
"This article writing training activity was well followed by all participants, thank you very much to the keynote speakers, and the experts. Hopefully through this training, students from 2016 PG-PAUD Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya can implement to make a thesis in the form of articles in accordance with the rector's decision," explained Rizka Aisyah, the moderator.
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