Unesa.ac.id-SURABAYA-The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNESA held a Judiciary of educational and non-educational study programs online and offline on Monday, November 01, 2021. With the theme "UnesA Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Judiciary Tough, Creative, and Innovative to Support Advanced Indonesia", the dean was optimistic that the graduates are able to work and contribute to society and the nation.
Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., Dean of FMIPA stated that pursuing higher education is not easy. Only those who have ideals, determination and perseverance are able to complete them. The study period of four or even five years is sufficient time to forge and develop oneself. "Therefore, we hope that UNESA graduates are ready to work and serve the country," he said.
The rapid development of technology during the pandemic and the many and new needs of the world of work, require students and graduates to always have a mindset of change and be able to adapt quickly after graduation in accordance with the times. UNESA graduates must be able to adapt to all currents of changing times.
Adaptability will only be obtained through a few things. 1) Continue to learn and develop yourself on an ongoing basis. "Learning is never finished. We stop learning, prepare to be left behind,” he said. 2) Get used to having a forward or future mindset, not backwards. In the next five or ten years the world and its demands will be like and where are the positions and roles of graduates now and in the future.
Then, 3) Must appear confident through works and contributions. 4) Build extensive networks and relationships. 5) Balancing between soft skills and hard skills. He hopes that the FMIPA judiciary for the third period of 2021 will be able to become honest, disciplined, tough, creative, adaptive, communicative, innovative learners and can collaborate on campus in real life, the community.
At this graduation, several names of the participants with the best predicate were read out. Graduates with the best TKM are from the S-1 Mathematics Education study program, S-1 Science Education and S-1 Biology Education study programs. Meanwhile, the best achievement indexes are from two from the S-1 Biology Education study program, one from the S-1 Science Education study program, two from the Biology S-1 program and one from the S-1 Chemistry program. (Saputra/zam*)
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