Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The year 2020 is a challenging year, not only for the nation, but for the implementation of PPG in particular. According to Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., as an observer of education, many new things were done in the implementation of PPG this year. Therefore, he further encouraged that each related element be able to adapt to the new system. Because, with the implementation of PPG with an online system, it is necessary to adapt immediately so that everything runs to the maximum.
"With this very limited time, we have to prepare a lot and adjust to these dynamic policies. But alhamdulillah, thanks to teamwork carried out by all parties in Unesa, one by one the problems can be overcome," said Martadi in the Workshop on The Preparation of Final Report in the Framework of Implementation of PPG In Office Phase 1-4 of 2020, Sunday (13/12).
The Head of Professional Development of LP3M Unesa Educators also appreciates the support that has been given by university leaders to the lecturers, teachers and help desks that help the coordination of PPG in Unesa. Moreover, to lecturers who have innovated to prepare learning modules, learning media and so on.
"I think this could be our model in the next year so that it can be developed as an embryo from the Unesa learning resource center. Because I believe hybrid learning, blended learning, and face-to-face lectures in normal times will be a new thing and will continue to be updated. If we can inventory this and we develop it, then the results will be amazing," explained Martadi at the Surabaya Suite Hotel.
The activity that has been held on December 11-14 was attended by 121 participants ranging from leaders, faculties, study programs, helpdesk and teachers. Martadi explained that there are 3 objectives of this workshop. Among them is getting input related to daljab practice in 2020. Then, identify things that are still lacking and need to be laid out for the next implementation, both from academic aspects, aspects of cooperation, quality assurance, finance and learning systems.
"After that, this workshop will give new things to PPG report in 2020 so that when there is examination and so on, we are ready. We ask the rector, apologize if the implementation of PPG is still lacking, because we will improve in this meeting, as well as we all pray that the results of PPG Unesa in 2020 are very good and certainly bring Unesa to the national level," he added. (Suryo)
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