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Institute for Research and Community Service

Research and Community Service activities at Unesa are managed and supervised by the LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) which was established on August 16 2012 based on the Unesa Rector's Decree number 310/UN38/HK/KL/2012. The main duties of the LPPM are:

  • Performing the management and development of research and community service in accordance with the direction of the Unesa Rector's policy
  • Planning and directing research for the advancement of science and technology
  • Increasing community service activities as a function of implementing science and technology
  • Developing the implementation of student KKN as a vehicle for training for students in overcoming social problems
  • Developing other relevant activities

Since November 30, 2014, LPPM Unesa has been declared to have met the requirements in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 management in “Management of Research Institutions and Community Service” with certificate number: 144410A. Meanwhile, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 21/DIKTI/Kep/2014 concerning Higher Education Research Performance within the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2010-2012 period, Unesa was included in the Main Higher Education cluster.

Learn more about our research facilities in the following link:

LPPM Unesa:

Student Community Service Program

Student Community Service Program (KKN in Indonesian Language) is a form of community service carried out by students in an interdisciplinary, institutional, and collaborative manner as a form of realizing the Tri Dharma or Higher Education.

In line with the current dynamics, at the local community level, local government, central government and the global world, the Community Service Program conducted by Unesa is expected to be an education thematic community service. Community service programs is a program that must be implemented, both by lecturers and students, based on the principles of: (1) academic competence, (2) entrepreneurship, and (3) professionalism, in order to ensure a program for community empowerment that is characterized by quality, relevance, and synergy . Thematic community service programs aim to be: (1) relevant to regional or central government development programs, (2) relevant to community needs, and (3) relevant to the vision, mission, strategic planning, expertise, and science and technology implemented at Unesa. The thematic community service program is largely based on educational principles, namely ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madya mangun karso, and tut wuri handayani (at the front giving examples, at the middle building the will, at the back giving encouragement and influence), which is the motto of Indonesian national education.

Vision and Mission of UNESA Community Service Program

  1. Creating responsible students
  2. Creating adaptable students.
  3. Creating considerate students.
  4. Creating students with good personalities.
  5. Helping to solve problems in the community and social environment.
  6. Learning to live independently as a dignified intellectual.

Learn more about our commitment to community service in the following link:

KKN Unesa :

LPPM Unesa:

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