Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-State University of Surabaya together with Inaviga Indonesia, PT Ajinomoto, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) and the Association of Women's Organizations (GOW) of the City of Surabaya held a Series Two Webinar with the theme 'Strategy for Developing Healthy Menus for Families: The Role of Umami Taste' on Saturday (24/07/ 2021).
This webinar presents three speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Ir Ahmad Sulaeman, MS., C.Ht. as Professor of IPB, and Irma Gustiana A, S.Psi., Mpsi., as Child/Family Psychology and Founder of ruangtumbuh.id. In addition, there is also Cleonara Yanuar Dini, SGz., MSc., RD. as a UNESA Nutrition Study Program Lecturer.
Director of INAVIGA Indonesia, Hendry Noer Fadillah, STP., MP. gave a speech that the immune system is very important for our health during a pandemic. One of the important factors to support the immune system is nutritional intake that starts from the family.
Chusnur Ismiati, SH., MM. As the chairman of the DWP/GOW of Surabaya City, he also gave a speech that this activity aims to prepare a healthy family menu so that it still has benefits for building immunity and also building body strength.
Prof. Dr. Ir Ahmad Sulaeman, MS., C.Ht on that occasion said that a healthy diet is very important for good health and nutrition, including protecting against various chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugar and trans fats is essential for a healthy diet.
On that occasion, he also said that a balanced nutrition is very necessary for growth, development, intelligence, health maintenance, increasing endurance, activity and so on. There are four pillars of balanced nutrition, namely consuming a variety of foods, getting used to clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS), including maintaining food safety, doing physical activity, and monitoring body weight regularly to maintain a normal weight.
Furthermore, he conveyed how to prepare a balanced nutritional menu for the family, including counting the number of family members, the composition of family members, and gender. Then determine the portion of food needs needed by family members according to nutritional needs. Choose the type of food that is diverse, nutritionally balanced and safe to meet food needs.
In addition, calculating food expenditure in accordance with the established budget, selecting appropriate menu plans and recipes, compiling a balanced menu according to needs, prices, potential of local resources, choices and family eating habits (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). "Not only balanced nutrition is considered, but also the taste of food because food with a balanced nutritional pattern is not very useful if it is not eaten," he said.
Irma Gustiana A, S.Psi., Mpsi., explained that the human 'second' brain is in the digestive tract with components similar to brain structure, so this can also affect mood, behavior, and even mental health. Eating behavior is a person's views and actions towards food which is influenced by the perception of knowledge about food and food choices to be consumed to meet the needs of the body.
There are several problems with feeding children, including children who usually like to be picky about food, don't like eating vegetables, refuse food and so on. For this reason, there are things that must be considered, including understanding the development and needs of children, involving children when shopping, being involved in menu discussions or making daily menus, inviting them to participate in preparing food preparations, giving small responsibilities during the preparation or cooking process, and appetizing taste.
Cleonara Yanuar Dini, S.Gz., M.Sc., RD. conveyed about the healthy menu of East Java culinary. Food menus in East Java such as meatballs, rawon, soto, nasi pecel and so on can all be used as a balanced nutritional menu if you eat them according to balanced nutrition guidelines and composition guidelines and one-time meals.
There are 10 balanced nutrition guidelines, including making it a habit to eat breakfast, drink enough water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, read labels on food packaging, eat a variety of staple foods, eat side dishes that contain high protein, limit consumption of sweet, salty, and salty foods. fatty foods, do physical activities, wash your hands with soap and running water, and be grateful and enjoy a variety of foods.
The guidelines for the contents of a single plate for adults are one-third staple food, one-third vegetables, one-sixth side dishes, and one-sixth fruit. "Healthy food is also related to time, regularity of time affects health such as breakfast, snacks, lunch and so on," he said. (Aida/zam)
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