Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-There are many ways that can be done to help others, especially for people with disabilities who really need special attention. One of them, can be through the provision of vaccines as did the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) on Tuesday, August 3, 2021.
UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes on Saturday, August 07, 2021 said that during the vaccination program for 5,000 people, it was not only targeting the general public and online motorcycle taxi drivers, but also providing quotas for friends with disabilities as many as 40 people. In particular, they received injections of the Sinovac type of vaccine, while the general opinion of the participants was that they received the AstraZeneca vaccine. "We prepared our own route, they came and immediately got the vaccine injection without having to queue in the regular route," he said.
He added that his party was collaborating with the East Java NPCI Center for the Coordination of the number and registration of disabled friends. Nurhasan emphasized that one of the hallmarks of UNESA is the attention and quality of service to people with disabilities who are increasingly receiving attention from many domestic and foreign parties. "Disability-friendly campuses are not only in the form of providing infrastructure, but we also provide care and service with a conscience, friendly and comprehensive, one of which is through this vaccine program," he said.
The Chancellor hopes that friends with disabilities can stay healthy and productive and avoid exposure to Covid-19. He appealed to all to continue to apply health protocols, follow government recommendations and policies and live a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS). "We do all kinds of efforts, vaccinations, immunity, faith, and doing lots of positive activities and regular sports," he said.
One of the disabled participants on that occasion expressed his gratitude to the Provincial Government and City Government as well as to UNESA for providing quotas and special routes during vaccination. For him, the vaccination is quite helpful in an effort to fortify himself from exposure to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has not ended yet.
“Mr Chancellor, thank you very much (thank you very much, red) for the opportunity that has been given to the East Java NPCI Center for Research and Development, friends with disabilities are very touched to get special access without going through a queue during the Covid-19 vaccine implementation. The attention is extraordinary and once again thank you very much," he said. #Tough with UNESA. (Unesa Public Relations)
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