Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Students of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya State University (UNESA) exhibited various types of traditional food in the Nutrition Product Development Work Exhibition which was held at the Multipurpose Building, Ketintang Campus, Surabaya on Sunday, December 11 2022.
The local food displayed is the work of class B Nutrition study program students class of 2020. There are local dishes from Aceh, East Nusa Tenggara, Yogyakarta to East Java. The students did not just present food product innovations, but were accompanied by an explanation of the composition of balanced nutritional content for the body.
Some of the food innovations that they exhibited include Mie Kece (Aceh Moringa Noodles), Picato (Tomato Canai Pizza), and Nimphan (Banana Timphan). All of these foods are inspired or developed from local Aceh food.
Azza Afifah, the event coordinator explained, the local food products were divided into seven groups representing their respective regions. There are Aceh, NTT, and East Java groups. "Each group displays the nutritional content of the food they make in detail. Such as East Java special food for reducing stunting rates and Yogyakarta special food for heart disease," he explained.

He explained that the title of this work was the output of the Product Development course for Nutrition students. "At the same time to train students to have the competence to process food from various regions with ingredients that support health. Just being able to make food may be possible, but producing healthy food is the challenge," he said.
This event was also packaged in the form of a public lecture which was attended by Annisa Pratiwi, as the Co-Founder of Ladang Lima as the speaker. In addition, he also gave his comments on the food products produced by these students. "Our local food still depends on imported ingredients such as wheat. Cassava can be a local alternative ingredient as a substitute for flour or wheat," said Annisa.

This event was attended by around 130 participants, not only students and lecturers, but also parents or guardians of students who also tried various processed food made by their children. Product Development lecturer, Dr. Rita Ismawati S.Pd., M.Kes., hopes that this work title can train nutrition students' abilities in creating, creating, and innovating various local food products to address various nutritional problems. [UNESA PR]
Authors: Joy Nathanael and Amalia
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team Documentation
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