Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Even though it's a pandemic, work can't stop. That's what the students who are members of the Communication Indie Film Community (Kofie.com) UNESA show. They produced a short film entitled Venenum Amare which was broadcast on the Cofie.com Youtube channel on Saturday, February 5, 2022.
Venenum Amare tells the dynamics of the relationship between Aya and Dylon which foundered in the middle of the road because one of them questioned the continuation of the relationship. It was said, Naufal Auliya, as the producer, the film raised the issue of toxic relationships or unhealthy relationships among young people.
According to him, more and more teenagers and even adults are trapped in toxic relationships and this must be a common concern. Unhealthy relationships tend to threaten the productivity of students and students who should spend most of their time focused on learning and developing themselves.
“Unhealthy relationships often have an impact on depression and mental illness. Sometimes college doesn't work or the thesis doesn't finish because of an unhealthy relationship," he said. He hopes that the short film can be a means of education for young people so they can understand toxic relationships.
Bagus Rayhand, Chairman of Kofie.com and Director of Venenum Amare, said that this film is a short film that only lasts about 5 minutes. "We produced about 2 weeks, previously we thought it would only take about 1 week to finish, but it turns out there are several things and it will be finished in two weeks," he said.

Venenum Amare, he continued, was taken from Latin; venenum means poison while amare means love. "Therefore, this film has the meaning and content of a story about the life of a young person, it doesn't always have to be about love, but excessive love can be self-defeating," he explained.
Kofie.com is a community of semi-autonomous institutions in the Communication Studies Study Program which was formed in 2015. In this community, it is used as a forum for Communication Science students to develop their soft skills and hard skills in the world of film. [UNESA PR]
Author: Anggun Herawati
Editor: @zam*
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