Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - There are many ways that young people can do to fill the Birthday of Pancasila. One way to do this is by holding a webinar like the one held by the Communication Science Student Association (Himakom), Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH), Surabaya State University (UNESA), Wednesday, June 1, 2022. They held a national webinar with the theme “Voices of Talented Youth Care Pancasila” online which was attended by hundreds of participants. Unmitigated, the keynote speaker was the Deputy Governor of East Java, Emil Elestianto Dardak.
Emil Elestianto Dardak said that the dynamics of the times are constantly changing. Each field has its own dynamics and challenges. As part of the pillars of democracy, the press or media plays an important role in uniting society and the nation. News that is prone to hoaxes can have an impact on the disintegration of the nation.
The role of the media in reporting must prioritize the attitude to produce more positive content to provide information, not concerned with the benefits of adsense, for example. “Nationalism is a common concern of the entire audience together and how the news that appears is more positive and the benefit in the news must be prioritized. In addition, public awareness in consuming news also needs to be increased," he said.
Smart and Media Wise
As a speaker, the Chairman of AJI Surabaya Eben Haezar said that in this era of disruption, it is important to prioritize an adaptive attitude to survive. The pattern of consuming public media continues to change which must be supported by a code of ethics and professional journalists in presenting news to the public.
The development of media in the era of disruption has two sides at once. The negative side, nowadays there are many emerging media which causes the print media to decline. While the positive side is that many people have a creative attitude to produce content.
In addition, today's society, especially journalists, must have the attitude to be wise and smart in social media. The attitudes that must be possessed include, 1) always being skeptical and critical in consuming information, 2) being able to sort and choose content according to needs and on verified media, (3) even though we live in the midst of a flow of information, social interaction is still take precedence.

Strengthen Nationalism Through Creativity
The second speaker, Commissioner of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, Nuning Rodiyah, said that in interpreting nationalism in this modern era, the next generation of the nation can create a series of competitions entitled nationalism, become content creators by prioritizing educational values, reconstruct public trust by singing songs. Greater Indonesia nationality in teaching activities. “Big days like this should be a momentum to be creative and innovate. Of course the direction is to educate towards strengthening the nation's character," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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