Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-A total of 213 undergraduate students (s-1) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) State University of Surabaya (UNESA) looked happy yesterday, Thursday (31/3/2022). They follow a hybrid judiciary as a sign of finally studying and holding a bachelor's degree.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Wiwik Sri Utami, M.P explained that the 213 students who graduated came from various study programs as follows:
- S-1 PPKn, 40 students
- S-1 Geography Education 29 students
- S-1 History Education 18 students
- There are 43 students in S-1 Public Administration Sciences
- S-1 Legal Studies 28 students
- S-1 Sociology 21 students
- S-1 Communication Studies 28 students, and
- S-1 Social Studies Education 6 students.
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, MA., in his speech said that after the students were graduated and declared as scholars, they would have a moral responsibility to collaborate or work together and serve the country.
It is hoped that this judiciary can share and share stories with other friends. "Because you have various stories so that until this moment you can finish college and it must have been a tortuous journey," he said.
On that occasion, the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, S.Pd., M.Pd. read out the decisions and names of the best graduate students in academic and non-academic fields.

Yudisiawan who got the best graduates in the academic field in each study program were;
- Ririn Hidayati from the PPKn S-1 study program with a GPA of 3.74,
- Zidni Ilma Lailatin Safaroh from the S-1 Geography Education study program with a GPA of 3.68,
- Salman Handrianto Yuwono from the S-1 History Education study program with a 3.61 GPA,
- Ni Putu Ruslina Darmayanthi from the S-1 Public Administration Study Program with a GPA of 3.89,
- Mega Citra Dewi from S-1 Legal Studies study program with a GPA of 3.77,
- Lussy Yuris Frasticha from the S-1 Sociology study program with a GPA of 3.74,
- Riky Rakhmadani from S-1 Communication Studies study program with a GPA of 3.81, and
- Julia Kumala Asri Drakel from the Social Sciences Education S-1 Study Program with a GPA of 3.71.
Meanwhile, the judiciary with the best graduates in non-academic fields are;
- Didin Fatmawati Sukma from S-1 Civics Study Program with TKM 2700,
- Zidni Ilma Lailatin Safaroh from the S-1 Geography Education study program with TKM 3005,
- Awaalussalma Rusdianty from S-1 History Education study program with TKM 9165,
- Ni Putu Ruslina Darmayanthi from the State Administration Science S-1 study program with a TKM 2465,
- Strikes Margareta Kalakik from S-1 Legal Studies study program with TKM 1640,
- Retno Aprin Cahyani from S-1 Sociology study program with TKM 1435,
- Riky Rakhmadani from S-1 Communication Science study program with TKM 2990, and
- Fittriya Kussuma Wardani from the Social Studies Education S-1 study program with a TKM of 1200.
FISH's judicial representative, Ni Putu Ruslina Darmayanthi delivered her remarks. He said that this graduation event was part of the process to become a better individual so that he would be stronger and more mature to face the new obstacles ahead.
In the process of pursuing a dream or ideal it may be very tired. For him, there is no need to be forced to run because everyone has their own time. God has good plans for his people.
“What we need to do is keep trying, keep doing our best, and keep praying. Thank you to UNESA, lecturers and all friends, especially to parents. Thanks to everyone we were able to get to this point,” he added. [UNESA PR]
Author: Aida
Editor: @zam*
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