Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-State University of Surabaya in collaboration with Universitas Airlangga and the Indonesian Ulema Council of East Java held an International Webinar with the theme "Nationalism, Education, Health and Economy Partnership in Global Perspective" on Saturday, October 23, 2021.
This webinar was opened by Mr. Abdul Kadir Jailani from the Director of Asia Pacific and Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. There were four presenters, namely Mr. Suyoto from Kanda University of International Studies Japan, Assoc. Prof. Aziz Rahman, MBBS., MPH., PhD., from Federation University Australia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khotijah Omar, BBA., MBA., PhD. from the University of Malaya, Malaysia and Prof. Dr. Jusuf Irianto, M.Com from Airlangga University.
In his presentation, Prof. Aziz Rahman delivered material on 'Collaboration for Promoting Public Health Among Countries: Australian Perspective'. He said that the pandemic had an impact on several sectors such as education, social, economic and others. The pandemic must be overcome by changing the behavior of people, governments and various parties around the world.
For example in the Australian state of Queensland, which is gradually easing restrictions, there have been various changes. For example, payment transactions are carried out without contact, Friday prayers are carried out in several sessions with a maximum of 20 worshipers per session and other strategic policy restrictions.
Meanwhile, Dr. Khotijah Omar explained about 'Covid-19 in Malaysia'. He said that Malaysia Healthcare or Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) is an organization formed from the initiative of the Malaysian Ministry of Health. Malaysia Healthcare is tasked with facilitating and promoting the health tourism industry in Malaysia. Currently, Malaysia Healthcare oversees 76 private hospitals spread throughout Malaysia. In addition, Malaysia Healthcare is also active in holding fun and beneficial activities, such as health webinars.
Mr. Suyoto delivered material about digital literacy education in increasing nationalism in Japan. Literacy culture in Japan has been introduced to children from an early age where there is one local government program to give a book as a gift to every newborn child. It is given when the mother takes her child for the first immunization. "Japan places great emphasis on children getting to know literacy from an early age, this program also gets a good response from the people in Japan," he explained.
At the end of the session, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Irianto explained about 'Cooperation Using Dimensional Model for Human Development: Indonesia's Experiences'. He said that this cooperation between countries is a process and an institution in which each government has a different political system but one unit in an effort to improve the quality of education, health and even the economy. [UNESA PR]
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