Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Hundreds of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNESA looked happy and relieved on Tuesday (13/07/21). Their long struggle was finally over and they arrived at the 101st 'chair' of the judiciary.
The Yudisium, which was held virtually, carried the theme "Yudisiawan FMIPA Unesa with Smart Character in Works for a Golden Indonesia". The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., along with the ranks of the deputy dean, chairperson and secretary of the department, and the head of the laboratory and lecturers around FMIPA.
Prof. Madlazim said that there were as many as 345 students who graduated on that occasion. In detail, 80 students from the Mathematics department, 78 Physics students, 57 students from the Chemistry department, 101 from the Biology department, and as many as 29 students from the Natural Sciences department.
The professor who designed the tsunami early detection application added that even during the pandemic, the way and mindset must remain positive. In addition, you must continue to do many ways to stay active in developing yourself and working. "Life is full of uncertainties, therefore we must be prepared to face the situation wisely and wisely and be very grateful," he added.
Graduates, he added, must have three things, namely integrity, innovation, and inspiration (3I). According to him, besides being owned, it must also be implemented in life, so that the knowledge gained can be useful for families, communities, and the nation.
On that occasion, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance FMIPA, Dr. Masriyah, M.Pd read out the decisions and names of students who received the title of the best graduate with the highest GPA for educational and non-educational study programs at the faculty level.
Yudisiawan of the educational study program who received the faculty level award was Nurul Laili from the S-1 Mathematics Education study program with a GPA of 3.87, followed by Zulaikha Rokhmah from the S-1 Science Education with a GPA of 3.85, and Shinta Nadya Mega A from the S-1 Education Biology with a GPA of 3.85.
Meanwhile, the judiciary with non-educational study programs who received faculty-level awards were Sasi Shania Dewantari with a GPA of 3.86, Inarotun Nufus with a GPA of 3.85, and Desy Ambarwati with a GPA of 3.82. The three yudisiums are from the same study program, namely S-1 Biology.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FMIPA, Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd gave awards to the three best graduates with the highest student transcript (TKM) scores. The students in question are Rahman Eka Cahya with a total score of 6,515 from S-1 Physics Education, Haqqi Hidayatullah with a total score of 4,715 from S-1 Mathematics Education, and Syefrina Rosyada with a total score of 4,086 from S-1 Biology study program.
FMIPA judiciary representative, Syefrina Rosyada conveyed her impressions and messages. He said that completing the final task in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic was not an easy matter. However, due to persistence and consistent struggle, all graduation requirements were successfully completed and completed as expected.
According to him, the graduation is only the end of the study period and certainly not the end of the learning process. In fact, the real process of learning and self-development is after graduation and being in the community.
"Our learning process is lifelong, and what we get on campus we must prove through our work and provide benefits to the community and nation while maintaining the good name of the alma mater," he said. He added by citing the life of Dr. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A, Menparekraf RI, successful people are people who move, be themselves, and have real fun. (Aida/Zam)
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