Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Halal or haramnya Astrazeneca vaccine is still a debate in the community. The skewed issues related to the vaccine continue to rise to the surface and are sometimes troubling. Therefore, Unesa held a public discussion entitled "Halal Haram Astrazeneca Vaccine for the Benefit of the People; Reviewed from a Religious and Health Perspective", on Saturday, April 3, 2021 at the Rectorate Auditorium unesa, Lidah Wetan.
The theme is quite sensitive, therefore, Unesa invites speakers from various competent backgrounds in their fields. There is from the Central Indonesian Ulema Council, namely the Deputy Secretary General of the Central MUI, Dr. KH. Fahrurrozi Burhan.
In addition, there is a Professor of faculty of medicine UNAIR and Chairman of mui health agency East Java, Prof. Dr. Djoko Santoso, Ph.D,Sp.PD.KGH.FINASIM. There are Researchers and Lecturers of ITB Pharmacy School Dr. ror.nat.apt. Aluicia Anita Artaria. Furthermore, Chairman of IDI East Java, Dr. dr. Sutrisno, Sp.OG and Chairman of the Indonesian Psychological Association East Java, Ilham Nur Alfian M.Psi Psychologist.
Rector Of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes in his speech said that Unesa has a moral responsibility to support public health and help straighten polemics related to halal or haramnya Astazeneca Vaccine. "Polemics like this will cause fear and anxiety in the community. Therefore, information or oblique issues must be straightened out. The existence of scholars, health and psychology academics is the right synergy to educate and provide the right information for the community related to astrazeneca vaccine," he said.
After the speech, the event was directly guided by moderator Lutfi Saksono, M.Pd as the Head of PKM And Marketing Center unesa. Opinions related to halal haram vaccine was opened by Dr. KH. Fahrurrozi Burhan, Vice Chairman of PWNU East Java and Wasekjen MUI Pusat, who revealed that all products circulating in Indonesia should ask for mui halal fatwa. Then MUI has an auditor who assesses the halal and haramnya submitted goods.
According to him, related to vaccines, all fatwa assemblies in the world punish vaccines as sacred. "Fatwas from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates all say that this vaccine is sacred," he said. "So there is no real problem, although there is an element that is still debated by law, but the use of Astrazeneca Vaccine is allowed and recommended," he said.
Then according to Professor of Faculty of Health Unair, Prof. dr. Djoko Santoso, Ph.D, KGH, FINASIM, that there are many things that must be fulfilled in vaccines, one of which is tripsin. Gynecologist explained that trypsin is used to cut protein chains in tissue culture processes. In addition, tripsin is considered to have effectiveness and stability in the replication process. It is therefore used as one of the important elements in vaccines. "From this we want to enlighten the community, because many burdens carried by the community. So that people should not be confused should also be between halal or haram. Therefore it is all clear, that astrazeneca vaccine is not a thing to dispute and it is allowed," he said.
He explained that, Astraneca vaccine has side effects for some patients. Usually such as fever, dizziness and pain around the injection area. According to him, it is common and is the body's response that seems to be affected by the Covid-19 virus. "It's like this virus is in his house (herd), this is untouched tripsin because Astrazeneca already has a prototype of the Covid-19 virus. So, when this vaccine is inserted in human muscles, it causes a response as if exposed to the Covid-19 virus, but keep in mind the body has also recognized this prototype so that it will not be harmful to the body and not to be afraid," he concluded.
K.H. Syafrudin, Khatib Syuriah PWNU East Java, stated that witnessing the number of Covid-19 patients who died, it is necessary to endeavor and tawakal to maintain life and take care of human life, one of which is through vaccination "The point is, medicine is a necessity as an endeavor in an emergency, using astrazeneca vaccine is allowed," he said.
Meanwhile, Dr.dr.Sutrisno said that vaccines of any kind are a form of endeavor to preserve human life and life. "Mui has issued a fatwa to allow Astrazeneca Vaccine, as well as the government that has also mandated the vaccine, so there is nothing to debate," he said.
Then from a psychological perspective, Ilham Nur Alfian explained that when it comes to information, our society believes in halal labels, so vaccine campaigns and promotions should use that. "Psychologically, there is a risk in communication during this time, therefore, it can be improved and built a wise and effective communication," he explained.
Today's discussion ended with a concluding statement from the moderator. "MUI also Nahdlatul Ulama East Java itself has stated if this vaccine is declared halal. All data and facts and arguments of this discussion are also clear that Astrazeneca is allowed. So people do not have to worry about vaccinating Astrazeneca and following the government's advice so that we can all be free from the Covid-19 pandemic and our lives will soon return to normal," he concluded. (Pr. Unesa)
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