Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–After studying for three years and completing a series of school exams, 60 students of SMP Labschool Unesa 3 Surabaya finally attended Purnawiyata at the PPG Building, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) Lidah Wetan Campus yesterday (Saturday, June 25, 2022).
Purnawiyata is a symbolic event to mark the graduation of students after participating in learning or education at SMP Labschool Unesa 3 Surabaya. Purnawiyata batch IV for the 2021/2022 academic period was attended by the Director of the Labschool School Management Agency (BPSL) Prof. Dr. Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, M.Pd., and members of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unesa (DWP-U) Foundation.
In addition, it was also attended by the Principal of SMP Labschool Unesa 3 Surabaya Dian Hijrah Saputra, S.Pd., M.M., Heads and staff of Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High School, Vocational Schools within the Unesa Labschool and school committees and retired participants.
Dian Hijrah Saputra said, since 2018 SMP Labschool Unesa 3 has continued to transform into an advanced, quality and superior school in Surabaya. Every year, the number of new students continued to increase rapidly. “There are more and more enthusiasts, so many parents ask that the quota for new student admissions be increased. This is all the quota is full before the announcement is made," said Dian Hijrah.
The high interest of students studying at SMP Labschool Unesa 3 cannot be separated from the level of achievement and innovation produced by students so far. This track record is one of the reasons for public trust in Labschool Unesa. "Our commitment is to provide the best education and services so that students can learn and develop themselves comfortably," he said.
“Congratulations to my children who have graduated today. Don't stop learning and be proud of your alma mater wherever you go to high school. Studying is not just because you want to take a test, but learn for life. Learning is also not a hobby, but rather an obligation so that we become good individuals, have skills, be successful and have character,” he said.
Director of BPSL, Prof. Dr. Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, M.Pd. in his speech, he expressed his gratitude for the trust of the parents in placing their children to study and be educated at the Unesa Labschool. We hope that the alumni of the Unesa Labschool alma mater will become smart, successful, and accomplished alumni.
"BPLS has one concern where Labschool is built with various levels of education from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school / K because there is a curriculum that Labschool wants to develop to produce quality students," he said.
Currently, the Unesa Lidah Wetan Labschool also plans to add a building with various facilities to support the teaching-learning process as well as to support future Labschool activities. “There are many excellent programs in the future, of course towards Labschool UNESA which is advanced and superior according to its slogan; one step ahead," he said.
After the remarks, the event continued with the reading of the Unesa 3 Labschool Graduation Decree, batch IV. The percentage of student graduation at Labschool Unesa reaches 100%. The participants who passed were given retirement gifts followed by awards to outstanding graduates in two categories. The academic category was won by Asher Rakha and the non-academic category was won by Salma Edina Chiara Adiba with the latest achievement in the pool diving competition with 2 gold and 1 bronze medals.
Asher Rakha and Salma Edina Chiara Adiba are two of the proudest examples of students at Labschool Unesa. For example, Salma Edina, besides studying hard, also trains as an athlete. Her hard work paid off sweetly for herself, her parents and the school. “Being an athlete, let alone competing, exercises every day. Gotta have a good time. For example, if there are opportunities outside of practice. Usually studying or reading textbooks,” said Salma. [UNESA PR]
Author: Angel Millehelena
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : Lab school documentation
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