Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Senate of the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) held a meeting for the selection of rector candidates for the period 2022-2026 at the 11th Floor Auditorium of the Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., who participated in running for re-election to lead UNESA for the next five years.
The chairman of the committee, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., explained that a total of three names took part in the contest in the election. They are; Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., from the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Dr. Muhammad Nursalim, M.Sc., from the Faculty of Education (FIP) and Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., from the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO).
"Three names of candidates who entered the ministry then took part in the election on Tuesday. The meeting was chaired directly by the Chair of the Senate, Prof. Haris Supratno, M.Pd. As a result, the incumbent Chancellor Cak Hasan was re-elected and trusted to lead UNESA. After this, the elected rector awaits the ministry's determination and inauguration," explained Madlazim, a professor of FMIPA.
The process of selecting UNESA rector candidates, continued Madlazim, went through a number of stages. First, networking. At this stage, the team conducted socialization of the screening to the public from March 23 to April 4, 2022. Then opened registration for prospective candidates on March 28 to April 14, 2022. Registrants were not only from UNESA but also from outside who certainly met the requirements.
From a number of names that have been entered, based on the results of verification and administrative selection on March 30-21 April 2022, six candidates will qualify. The six names in question are; 1) Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd. 2) Dr. Drs. Djuli Djatiprambudi, M.Sn. 3) Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes. 4) Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc. 5) Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., and 6) Dr. Trisakti, M.Si.
Second, filtering. The six prospective candidates will then follow the screening stage on May 18, 2022. Madlazim said, at this stage, all prospective candidates will present their vision, mission, goals and superior programs for UNESA for the next five years. The screening then produced the three strongest candidate names.
Third, the selection stage. The three names then follow the stage of selecting candidates for rector in the senate meeting which will take place on June 14, 2022. The next stage is the determination and inauguration by the ministry which is expected to be in July.
The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hopes that the elected rector can bring the "Growing with Character" campus to more achievements and progress. The most important thing is to be able to bring UNESA to become a PTN-BH and to be a world class university. “Everything goes back to the tridharma of college. This is something that needs to be improved in the future, both in terms of quality and quantity. Researches, innovations, publications, contributions and so on must be reproduced,” he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author/Interviewer: Hasna
Editor: @zam Al'asyiah
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