Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Introduction to School Environment (MPLS) began simultaneously in Surabaya, including at SMP Labschool UNESA 3 on Monday, July 18, 2022. The activity on the first day of school was attended by 78 new students.
Head of SMP Labschool UNESA 3 Surabaya, Dian Hijrah Saputra, S.Pd., M.M., said that this activity is important for new students to participate in as part of the adaptation process in a new environment. In addition, it is also a transition period for students who have just graduated from elementary school (SD).
MPLS at Labschool uses the fun learning method. The introduction period includes the delivery of knowledge and school culture. The attractive package of activities made the participants look cheerful.
"We are more into a play and learning approach, while at the same time giving them the opportunity to show their talents and interests so that they feel comfortable when learning takes place," he explained.
Dian explained, the Fun Learning learning method has been applied for the last four years which is certainly part of the implementation of the independent learning program. This program, he said, has graduated many students, both general and with special needs. In addition, there is a gifted program covering arts, sports and literature.
The percentage of students' abilities when they graduate is 50% academic and 50% talent. Especially in the DBON performance carried out by the Kemenpora which can be part of the school program. Because, in addition to participating in sports coaching, athletes are also given special education at Labschool.
This is an important factor in increasing the enthusiasm of students to study at SMP Labschool UNESA 3. As a supporter of the gifted program, an extracurricular is facilitated for students in determining their field, there are extracurricular music, taekwondo, swimming, youth scientific work (KIR), dance, scouting, futsal and coding.
“According to a circular letter from the Surabaya City Education Office, 100% of teaching and learning activities will be carried out offline and for full day time from 6:45 to 15:00. Hopefully, students will be able to adapt soon, be comfortable learning and be able to develop themselves further here,” he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Reporter Documentation
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