Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The academic staff of the Mataram Mandalika Education University (UNDIKMA) visited Surabaya State University (UNESA) on Wednesday 29 November 2023.
The agenda was carried out in the context of related comparative studies management of the Training Center for Potential Young Athletes (SLOMPN) at the state campus in the city of Surabaya.
Deputy Chancellor 1 UNDIKMA, Dra. Ni Ketut Alit Suarti, M.Pd, said that their visit was in order to discuss and learn directly about UNESA's experience, as a university that has organized the SLOMPN program from the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
"We need to learn a lot from UNESA regarding all the necessary preparations," she said in the Meeting Room, Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
The woman who is familiarly called Alit said, UNESA as the implementer of the SLOMPN program is considered successful and has experience starting from preparation, schemes implementation, infrastructure and implementation of the program.
"Therefore, sharing from UNESA will really help us in carrying out the program," he stressed.
Alit explained that in the near future, UNDIKMA will gain the trust of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to become the organizer of a center for developing young athletes.
They will manage four sports, namely swimming, taekwondo, archery and rock climbing.
"Therefore, we hope that UNESA will provide a complete picture regarding the management of training centers and the infrastructure that must be prepared," he said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) who is also the SLOMPN UNESA Technical Manager, Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd, M.Kes said, there are several things things that need to be prepared to become a center. One of them is preparing a pocket book.
"In the pocket book, there must be floor plans, sports laboratories and infrastructure. This is important to convince and show seriousness as "executing the National Potential Young Athlete Training Center," he stressed.
Apart from that, added Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, other things that need to be prepared are the concept of center management, sports human resources, organizational structure, and sports science.
He said, what makes the most difference if an athlete development center is carried out in a university is that it has sports science.
“Sport science < /em>This is what differentiates it from other training centers," he added.
On the same occasion, Dian Hijrah Saputra, S.Pd., M.M. as the principal of UNESA Labschool 3 Middle School, said that as students, UNESA SLOMPN athletes still receive learning like other students in general. However, the implementation of a specially designed curriculum.
“By referring to the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, they (SLOMPN athletes) use the athlete talent curriculum. "We specially designed the modules with learning modules according to each sport," explained Dian Hijrah.
For your information, the UNDIKMA visit was attended by Deputy Chancellor 1 Dra. Ni Ketut Alit Suarti, M.Pd, Deputy Chancellor 2, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science and Public Health (FIKKM) along with other leadership. Meanwhile, from UNESA, the Director of SLOMPN Unesa, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd, Dean of FIKK, Dr. Cahyo Dwi Kartiko, S.Pd, M.Kes, and the supporting team.(*)
Author: Basyir
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