SURABAYA - Unesa famous with his vision of the "Excellence in Education and Strong In Scientific (Excelent Inclusive Education Strong In Science) is an educational institution character Institutions Personnel (LPTK) that since 17 years ago to convert itself into a university. Not only the academic culture that needs to be built, but work together in collaboration to improve competitiveness are important Also, the statement Noted Prof. Dr. Djodjok Soepardjo, M. Litt, Vice Rector Unesa. He said, Unesa this year has established as many as 54 good cooperation with the agency in the country and abroad. However, Djojok not want all such cooperation only stop in the MoU, but should be Able to be Tirrenus properly. Therefore, he hopes that all auxiliary rector together to be Able to Realize such cooperation so that not just the MoU alone. "We can help Achieve the vision of creating Unesa pack rector superior and dignified in education and science through the implementation of the cooperation," said Djodjok. According Djodjok, do Unesa cooperation Aimed at improving the comprehensively, student development in order to face an Increasingly competitive competitiveness. The cooperation forged with partner perceived mutual and mutual benefit with the result between the two sides. Djojok said, 2016 was a year of cooperation Unesa. On 28-30 January 2015 yesterday, Unesa arrival of seven Researchers from Nagoya University for research on ancient cultural heritage assets. Djodjok say, age is not an indicator of the maturity of an institution. There is so much to be done in Unesa. Djojok call, -budaya Unesa work needs to be Increased again. He Also appealed to the faculty in order to maximize the Tri Dharma College with teaching, research and community service. Djojok not dismiss that the potential of the insane Unesa highly qualified and tested. Hanyasaja, that potential new untapped tip of the nail is not the whole body. Many faculty who have Prodi bisabersaing in the outside world. He cited Prodi Japanese Language diUnesa excel in the teaching the roomates has professors nearly 70% hold a doctorate. "It rarely are conducive if didibandingkan with other Japanese language study program in PerguruanTinggi in Indonesia, "he explained. Looking ahead, Djodjok wish there was a significant development in Unesa with the times is Rapidly increasing, both in the field of technology, academic, and management. So comes Unesa more advanced, Unesa synergy and energized . (Khusnul / arm)