Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The number of applicants to enter higher education continues to increase from year to year. Competition is getting fierce, especially for favorite study programs. This also happened at the Surabaya State University (UNESA) which experienced high competition in many study programs.
Unesa released the top 10 study programs with the highest stringency ratio in the Computer-Based Writing Examination for Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (UTBK SBMPTN) 2021. Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Unesa, said that the 10 study programs with the highest rigor were spread across several faculties.
First, occupied by the S-1 Communication Science study program, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) with 1,136 registrants competing for 37 quota to enter the study program. The tightness ratio is 30.7. Second, occupied by the S-1 Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Engineering (FT) with 971 registrants and 36 seats with a tightness ratio of 27.0.
Third, the S1 Management study program, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). The number of registrants was 1,795 participants who were fighting for as many as 36 entry quotas. The study program's rigidity ratio is 27.0. Fourth, filled by the Bachelor of Psychology Study Program (FIP) with a total enrollment of 1,872 people, the available quota is 92 seats and the tightness ratio is 20.3.
Fifth, namely the Informatics Engineering Faculty (FT) undergraduate study program which has 707 registrants. The available quota is 36 seats. As for the tightness ratio, it is 19.6. Sixth, it is occupied by the S-1 Visual Communication Design Study Program of the Language and Arts Faculty (FBS) which has 485 competing registrants to fill the 27 quotas provided by Unesa with a ratio of 18.0.
Seventh, there is an English Language and Arts Faculty (FBS) undergraduate study program with 664 registrants who are fighting over 38 existing quotas. The study program's rigidity ratio is 17.5. Eighth, filled by the S-1 State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) with 774 registrants. The available quota is 45 seats with a tightness ratio of 17.2.
Ninth, namely the S1 Accounting study program, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) which has 935 registrants. The available quota is 55 seats with a tightness ratio of 17.0. Tenth, concluded by the S-1 Office Administration Education Study Program, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), which attracted 647 registrants. The quota is available for 40 people and the tightness ratio is 17.0.
The higher the tightness ratio, added Bambang, the higher the competition in the study program. Therefore, participants who register in Unesa's favorite study programs must really prepare themselves. All conditions must be met both physical and mental conditions. The chosen study program must really be a way of self-development in the future.
The study program with the highest rigor can be a reference for participants who wish to register on the independent pathway or SPMB Unesa. If the aim at Unesa is in one of the study programs with the highest rigor, of course the preparation must be really mature and not playing games, because of course there are more competitors and only the best will be accepted.
"Likewise with other study programs, of course the participants must prepare themselves as well as possible, the conditions must be met properly. The better the preparation of the participants, the results will certainly not disappoint, "he said.
For information only, this year's Unesa independent lane quota is 30 percent of the total capacity. Registration, the UTBK non-test route is open from 14-18 June 2021. Then the achievement path is open from 14-25 June 2021. Then for the Disability path, TMUBK, and the collaboration path open from 21 June-6 July 2021.
In addition, the first batch of applied undergraduate pathways opens 21 June-6 July 2021 and the second batch is open 21-27 July 2021. For further information, other terms and conditions can be accessed on OFFICIAL UNESA social media or www.admisi.unesa.ac .id. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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