Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) for the 2021 State Higher Education Entrance Joint Entry Test (SBMPTN) has ended. For wave one, namely starting on April 14-18 2021 and April 26-May 2 2021 for wave two.
During the UTBK implementation in Unesa, based on the evaluation results of the Unesa admissions team, it turned out that there were many interesting stories from the participants during the exam. This was conveyed by the Head of the Unesa UTBK Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd, at Lidah Wetan Unesa on Tuesday (04/05/2021).
1. Participants sleep well until the exam is over
In the second batch of UBTK, the supervisor found one participant who was fast asleep while doing the exam. Sukarmin said that participants who overslept during the exam were caused by many factors. It could be due to lack of sleep, too excited, or because of fatigue plus fasting and other factors. "According to the procedure, if a participant is found sleeping, the supervisor warns the participant to return to the exam, because the exam time is running out," he said.
2. Trance
Still in the second wave of the exam session, there was one female participant who experienced a trance during the exam. Based on the information from the committee on duty, the participants were known to suddenly scream and be unconscious.
By the committee, the participant in question was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital using an ambulance. After being treated medically, the participants finally regained consciousness. “At first it was happy, I felt hot wearing gloves. I was afraid to tell the supervisor and suddenly I was unconscious. I have experienced the same thing before, once there was an activity at school, "said Sukarmin, repeating the participant's admission.
After being confirmed that they were fully conscious, the participant from Gresik was immediately directed to the exam room and returned to take the exam until the session was over.
3. Being late and canceled the exam
In addition, there were cases of participants who were late due to the wrong location in the first batch of UTBK. It is known that the participants are already quickly heading to the exam location However, the campus visited was the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA), even though the place for the exam was at Lidah Wetan UNESA. "Due to the wrong location, he was late more than the dispensation time determined by the center, because of that he was forced to not be able to take the exam," said the lecturer at FMIPA Unesa.
4. No examination without explanation
The total number of UTBK Unesa 2021 participants is 15,175 people. The total attendance was 14,441 or around 95.2 percent. Meanwhile, 734 or about 4.8 percent did not attend. All those who were absent were without explanation.
Of the colors of the 2021 UTBK, of course, it must be a common concern, especially for students or participants at the next UTBK implementation. "Most importantly, prepare yourself in advance, both physically and psychologically. If the preparation is done, of course the exam will run smoothly, ”he ordered. "Success requires careful planning and preparation, so participants must prepare and finalize a success plan for the future," he continued.
UTBK Unesa this year is fairly smooth and successful even though it was held during a pandemic and it coincides with the fasting month. Until this release was written, none of the Covid-19 problems had been confirmed. "Alhamdulillah, there is nothing and the participants and committee are healthy and safe according to our expectations. Even the implementation of Prokes during UTBK was smooth and strict. Thank you to all parties who contributed to the success of the exam, "he added. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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