Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Announcement of the results of the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) is only a matter of counting the days. As scheduled, it will be announced nationally on June 14, 2021. The value of UTBK apart from determining the results of the Joint State Higher Education Entrance Test (SBMPTN), can also be used to register on the New Student Admissions Selection (SPMB) or the independent route.
Welcoming the UTBK announcement and the opening of SPMB registration in Unesa on June 14, 2021, it is better for participants to pay attention to some tips on choosing the right majors and strategies to penetrate the 2021 SPMB route competition in Unesa.
Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd, chairman of the Unesa Admissions Unit, said the most important and first is that participants need to determine what department or study program to choose. According to him, the selection of a department or study program cannot be arbitrary, but must be based on considerations.
There are several things that need to be considered in choosing a study program. First, prioritize study programs that are most interested in and participants have the ability in that study program. For example, if you feel you have the ability to communicate, then majoring in communication may be an option. If you are interested in psychology, of course the psychology study program can be a consideration.
Second, consider what field of work the participants aspire to be after college. If you want to become a teacher, of course the choices are education or teacher majors. If you aspire to become a designer or illustrator, majoring in visual communication design (DKV) at Unesa can be a consideration.
Third, identify the majors that you are interested in, whether they are favorite majors or those with a high level of competition. "If it is among those with the most enthusiasts, the competition is of course the fiercest, because it needs careful preparation in advance. A good effort will usually give good results, "said Sukarmin.
Furthermore, participants also need to pay attention to some tips to penetrate independent track competition in Unesa. First, check the tightness of the chosen study program, it can be through Unesa's official social media or Unesa's official website. According to Sukarmin, prospective students need to know the tightness data, because it is very important as initial capital to formulate strategies in choosing the desired study program in the independent path.
"For example, there are two prospective students with the same UTBK scores. Student A chooses a study program (for example, has a capacity of 25) with high rigidity so that he is in the order of 28. While Student B chooses another study program (for example, has a capacity of 25) with moderate rigidity and is in 17th place, then student B will pass and student A will not. escaped, "he explained.
Second, while waiting for the announcement of the UTBK-SBMPTN results, participants are required to continue to study hard. Continue to hone skills through practice answering test questions. "Take advantage of the questions and discussion of answers that are widely available on the internet, even without a tutor, the important thing is whether there is a willingness to learn and practice or not, because that's what determines," he explained.
Third, when the UTBK score has been announced and the participant is declared not to have passed the SBMPTN route, the participant must not be discouraged, must not regret and must continue to struggle, there is still a chance on the Mandiri route. Immediately register again in the non-test SPMB or the test path, adjusting the level of compliance and the UTBK value.
Fourth, at the independent path selection stage, study carefully the rules set by the selection committee and master the materials that are tested or tested for participants who register on the test route. "In essence, all results are determined by the participants' efforts. The better, the maturity and the maximum the effort, the better the results and luck will be born from there, "said Sukarmin. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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