Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to expand its collaboration network with various domestic and foreign partners as a form of commitment to improving academic quality and reputation at the international level. In order to strengthen the cooperation aspect, representatives of the 'Home of Champions' campus made a collaborative visit to Germany from 28 October 2023 to 4 November 2023.
This visit was attended by the Chair of the Unesa Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, M.A., Secretary of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd., and Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology Prof. Dr. Nur Azizah, S.H., M.Hum., along with the Director of Information Technology, Communication and Cooperation, Prof. Slamet Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D.
Slamet Setiawan said that the visit had the aim of bridging UNESA towards becoming a world class university, drawing up cooperation plans with universities in Europe, and taking input from assessors from international accreditation institutions such as AQAS, ASIIN, and FIBAA to expand cooperation outside Asia. Of these three objectives, there are goals that are expected to be achieved during the visit.
"Our goals are to renew the MoU with Bielefeld University, establish cooperation with the University of Duisburg-Essen, and ask for direction and information from the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin, Germany regarding opportunities for collaboration with universities, agencies and business entities in Germany." he said.
The Unesa delegation also met with Prof. Bettina, Professor in Inclusive Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), and Dr. Johannes Tschapka lecturer from Bielefeld University, Germany to discuss the cooperation program that will be carried out with the two campuses.
Apart from that, he also visited the Lab High School College at the Bielefeld University and the "Lernwerkstatt" Center or Learning by Doing Center: Information and Workshop Center for Student Teachers and Teachers at Bielefeld University to discuss systems and management of learning activities.
Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd., said that this visit provided many new things that could be learned and applied in the development of UNESA. There are several strategies carried out by UNESA to maximize potential, opportunities and meet the needs of the global community.
The UNESA program, he continued, must adapt to the needs of the Indonesian and global community. Such as the development of German and English language programs for health workers in collaboration with Health Polytechnics as well as plans to develop new study programs, strengthening technology and information programs.
Then also the development of school education curricula that enable students to learn naturally according to talent (Labschool), as well as optimizing vocational programs whose graduates are currently a necessity for society.
“This activity will run more optimally if it can be followed up in the right time period. "We also need to continue expanding our collaboration partners to make the program a success and provide opportunities for Unesa and alumni to develop their careers," he said.
Prof. Slamet Setiawan explained that the results of cooperation expansion were divided into two types, namely those with an MoU and those without an MoU. Activities in accordance with the agreed MoU include visiting professors, guest lectures, joint publications and research collaborations which are already running at FIP, FBS, and FISH.
Meanwhile, those that have not yet been agreed on MoUs carry out simple collaborations and can be carried out easily, such as guest lectures, keynote speakers, co-hosting of international conference activities, and research collaboration.
"The realization of this collaboration is that in January or February 2024 there will be guest lecture activities and visiting German professors to "UNESA. Then in the same month there will be German students doing internships at UNESA, and in September 2024 there will probably be 2 German professors who will visit UNESA," he added.
Once in Germany, Prof. Nur Azizah, S.H. , M.Hum and his entourage went to France and Spain to coordinate and discuss with the Indonesian Embassy regarding possible cooperation opportunities. This visit is in line with UNESA's strategic plan to develop and expand international networks to make UNESA a world class university.
Of course this will be realized with the support of various parties as partners and the synergy of the entire UNESA academic community. "I hope that the collaboration that is already underway and at the pilot stage can be immediately realized starting in 2024 according to the agreement. For this reason, the faculties related to the collaboration will immediately prepare collaborative activities," said Prof. Slamet Setiawan.
UNESA's visit was welcomed and appreciated by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Federal Republic of Germany, Arif Havas Oegroseno. UNESA needs to develop and strengthen cooperation in the fields that are Unesa's identity or centers of excellence, namely the fields of sports, disabilities and arts and culture. []
Reporter: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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