The Dean of FH UNESA, Arinto Nugroho expressed his commitment to strengthening synergy and collaboration in improving the quality of providing legal aid.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 3 of 2021 concerning Paralegals in Providing Legal Aid defines a paralegal as any person who comes from a community, society, or legal aid provider who has attended paralegal training, does not work as an advocate, and does not independently accompany the recipient legal aid in court.
The existence of paralegals is currently very important in access to justice, especially in terms of providing legal aid and providing legal empowerment for the community. The Faculty of Law, Surabaya State University (FH UNESA) also has a high commitment to supporting improving the quality of paralegals in Indonesia.
The UNESA Faculty of Law facilitates Paralegal Training in the Faculty of Law Auditorium on Friday-Sunday, 9-11 August 2024. Activities This paralegal training was organized by a consortium of 9 legal aid organizations coordinated by the LBH Wira Negara Akbar Foundation and attended by more than 30 participants.
In his speech, the Dean of the UNESA Law Faculty, Arinto Nugroho, emphasized that the UNESA Law Faculty always open for collaboration with various partners in the context of transfer of knowledge in the field of law.
Participants and management of legal aid organizations from various regions in Indonesia attended Paralegal Training 2024.
Educational Events and the Paralegal Training was presented by the Head of the Legal Division of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Haris Nasiroedin; Eko Arif Setiawan; Dianita Hani Putri; and Bagus Wahyu Jatmiko. Apart from that, there were also speakers from UNESA lecturers, Emmilia Rudiana, and Eny Sulistyowati, as well as additional material on the Actualization of Paralegal Roles by the chairman of the organizing committee, M. Zainal Arifin.
The training, which was chaired by M. Zainal Arifin, invited a number of organizations legal aid from various regions in Indonesia, including the Wira Negara Akbar Legal Aid Foundation, the Fajar Trilaksana Legal Aid Foundation, the Jaka Samudra Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation, and the Tiara Yustisia Jatim Legal Aid Society.
Apart from that, there is the Legal Aid Institute for Youth Potential Development and the Creative Economy, the Anak Bangsa Mandiri Legal Aid Institute, the Harapan Indah Legal Aid Foundation, Yudhistira Legal Aid and Consultation Institute, and Posbakumadin Pamekasan.
All training participants Paralegals gain basic knowledge about law and democracy, paralegalism, legal aid, and legal procedures in Indonesia. Then it is also equipped with technical material such as communication techniques and preparation of legal documents. [*]
Author: UNESA FH Team
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA FH Team
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