Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Student Association of Economics Education Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Surabaya (HIMA JPE UNESA) held an online SHARE IT 2022 Webinar on Saturday, May 14, 2022 morning. Leaders of faculties and departments as well as students attended the event online through a zoom meeting.
As the head of the department, Dr. Luqman Hakim, S.Pd., M.SA said that the advanced digitalization era as it is today provides convenience as well as challenges for the younger generation. Progress must be supported by the ability to utilize technology to improve self-quality and work quality.
According to him, in this era, the younger generation must have qualified digital literacy and adequate technology education. Technology education is very broad and not narrow, this is a discussion so as not to get stuck with a technology that is just a cover and does not make it competitive or useful or use less than optimal. Technology requires an assessment that includes student readiness, student motivation, student abilities, student characteristics, learning styles and so on.
The digital world is like a visual image and a form of graphic design. Based on data, active users of social media in Indonesia were 191 million in January 2022, this number increased by 12.34% from 2021 which was 170 million people. "Graphic design skills are communication skills with other people without having to speak directly, and graphic design skills are also skills needed in almost every job," he explained.

Graphic design is an art of communication that uses visual combination techniques that have a function to convey a specific purpose. In graphic design the color wheel has an important role in a graphic design. Colors come from 3 types (red, yellow, blue) from the three colors that will form other colors.
In combining colors in the design, you can use the color wheel method, the 60-30-10 method, and the monochromatic method. In choosing a color there is a key that must be considered. "Combining fonts is like using a maximum of 3 fonts in the design, playing with font size, using fonts that are easy to read, using effects on fonts, and using font families," he explained.
“This advanced and sophisticated technology must support the way we learn and the way we work so that it becomes more effective and efficient, including in the field of design. Technology that is easy and abundant should not spoil us, but technology must be empowered and we must be more productive,” he said. [UNESA PR]
Author : Nisvi
Editor: @zam*
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