Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-UPT Surabaya State University Library (UNESA) held a socialization on "Integrated Reading Room Visitor Attendance System Using SSO-Based Library Card" at Ketintang Campus and Lidah Wetan Campus, on Friday, 22 July 2022.
Head of UPT Library Drs. Suroto, M.A, Ph.D., said that libraries must continue to transform according to the demands of the times. According to him, there are a number of innovations made by the UPT Library, the latest of which is an integrated visitor attendance system. This can be a database in producing service innovations in the future.
Library transformation, he continued, is in line with technological developments. The ideal change for libraries is first digitization in all its aspects. Both integrations in creating digital library cards.
With the launch of the new system, students can also visit reading houses in each faculty simply by showing the card from their respective SSO account. To get the card, it can be accessed by selecting academic, then the VMS menu and a Library card for students will immediately appear. In addition, this new service also applies to all education staff at UNESA.

In addition, the UNESA Library has also recently added to its digital collection. Mutty Hariyati, S.Sos., M.IP The UNESA librarian stated that the library has added thousands of digital literature collections that can be accessed digitally.
"On the one hand, we have a lot of printed collections that can be used directly in the library and on the other hand we also continue to add 2,281 digital literature collections," he explained.
According to him, the transformation of digital libraries is a demand of the current era. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has limited physical access to services, requiring service management to accommodate this situation.
“This is also the demand for work patterns and library services these days. For those who cannot directly visit the library, they can still access services digitally. That way, learning, teaching and other academic activities are not hampered, he said.
The library's digital collection includes books or e-books, journals and various other related literature. Digital collections in certain categories are only intended for the entire UNESA academic community.
Some of these library services are connected to the collection of scientific works of the academic community which are uploaded independently on Digilib and the OPAC service. The OPAC service can also be enjoyed by the general public, which contains a collection of books from the central library as well as the faculty library.
On the other hand, digilib or the repository itself includes various results of dissertations, theses, theses and final assignments and includes links to articles by graduates of the 95th Unesa graduate students. The UPT Library itself provides digital facilities that can be accessed easily and conveniently by the entire academic community. in seeking their references.
He added that the UPT Library in addition to continuing to add digital collections, also plans to digitize fiction collections in the library. "Later on, the books in the library will be made into digital versions like that," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Haikal
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Donatello Trisolino: https://www.pexels.com/en-id/foto/pengetikan-orang-1375261/
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