Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Digital literacy skills are the demands of this century. For this reason, the Surabaya State University (UNESA) lecturer team held a digital literacy training for students at the Mamba'ul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School Denanyar, Jombang on Saturday (25/09/2021). The training is held online and offline (hybrid).
This activity is part of the community service program initiated by Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D as co-chair of Dr. M. Sholeh, M.Pd., Abd. Hafidz, M.Pd., and M. Farid Ilhamuddin, M.Pd. PKM chairman Syafi'ul Anam explained that the training was aimed at equipping and improving digital literacy among students, especially pesantren social media admins.
Thus, students are not only able to use digital technology, but are also able to critically evaluate the information received, so they are not easily influenced by rumors or hoax information. Especially at this time, a lot of news that is not true and has a provocative tone is spread on various social media and in other media.
Such information is easy to provoke emotions and can have a negative impact on the integrity of society and the nation. Therefore, continued Syafi'ul Anam, such news must be trimmed through the important role of wise students in social media. “If they get information like that, they know which ones are hoaxes and which are not. Which information is dangerous, of course, it is stopped and which is useful to be disseminated,” he said.
In addition, students are also trained to produce information or digital content to be uploaded on various social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, and the pesantren web. The content can be related to information on pesantren activities or related to thoughts and messages of peace and moderate Islamic values from the students and teachers at the pesantren. "Essentially with this training they can become students who are wise, intelligent, active and constructive in social media," he said.
Gus Rosyid, one of the pesantren caregivers, stated that digital literacy is currently very important for students to learn, so they can understand the signs in using the internet, especially social media. The students are also not only required to understand, but also how to use the media as a means of disseminating useful information and raising the spirit of goodness in the community.
"The hope is that by understanding the internet and social media more, the students will be able to become national cadres who are actively conveying messages of Islam rahmatan lil'alamin (Islam that brings mercy to the universe, ed)," he said. [UNESA PR]
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