Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) of Surabaya State University graduated as many as 125 undergraduate (S-1) and diploma (D-3) students at the 100th judiciary in 2021. The event was hosted online using Zoom Meeting and streamed live on Youtube channel.
The inaugural procession was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) UNESA, Dr. Trisakti, M.Si. and their ranks. The event was opened by singing the song Indonesia Raya and Mars Unesa and continued with the inauguration of judicial participants.
In the next session, a speech from representatives of the judiciary by Krismonlia Mar'is Rahayu from sendratasik department. He said that the struggle and hard work of many years on campus, finally reached the final stage of the study period. "This is the end of the study, but the beginning of the journey to success itself. So, we do not get complacent and must continue to improve capacity and competence," he added.
Representing others, Krismonlia Mar'is expressed her gratitude to the parents who were the best motivation members during the study to the end. Thanks are also given to the leadership and its ranks as well as lecturers as arch as FBS and UNESA who are parents of students on campus. "My fellows, our struggle is not over yet. Let's continue to be the best and achieve many achievements and successes and have a future with hard work, smart, and sincere," he said.
Dean of FBS UNESA, Dr. Trisakti, M.Si in his speech said that a new life is in sight with all challenges and open competition. The ideals written, expected, and emphasized in the heart so far must be achieved to the maximum.
He continued that one of the must-haves in order to continue and be more successful in navigating this rapidly changing life, namely the ability to adapt, create and innovate. "I believe that the judiciary has had that during the study, you are certainly ready for future success," he said.
On that occasion, FBS also presented a number of names of students who graduated with the best predicate in the category of highest cumulative achievement index (GPA), shortest study period, and the best non-academic assessment system (Sipena).
For the highest GPA achieved by Krismonlia Mar'is Rahayu from Sendratasik Department with a GPA of 3.85, the predicate of praise and followed by Kristina with a GPA of 3.83, and Hendra Adi Saputra with a GPA of 3.80. As for sipena's best winner, Kartika Ramadhan with the acquisition of TKM 968, Gustin Arviana Putri with a value of TKM 760, and Puput Anjar Pratiwi with a value of TKM 655. They are rewarded with award charters and cash. (Madina/Zam)
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