Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya (FBS UNESA) launched 41 books at once on Wednesday, December 22, 2021. The works of FBS lecturers and experts were launched online and packaged in the form of discussions attended by experts and high ranks of the faculty.
The launch of the 2021 Unesa FBS Book is one of a series of commemorations of the 57th UNESA Anniversary which was initiated by the UNESA Professor of Literature Prof. H. Setya Yuwana Sudikan, M.A. The speakers present are; Prof. Dr. Tadjur Ridjal, M.Pd., Dr. Bambang Sadana, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Siswanto, and Eka Budianta.
The speakers gave testimony related to the creative process to the general description of the books that were launched, including Ethnography Series 1, Ethnography Series 2, Ethnosains Nusantara, Budi Dharma and Memories of Budi Darma Cultural Pupils.
The Dean of FBS UNESA, Dr. Trisakti, M.Sc., stated that it was an honor for FBS to be able to give gifts in the form of the best works for UNESA and the Indonesian people. "Today is a very monumental day for the big family of the FBS academic community, coinciding with the celebration of UNESA's 57th Dies Natalis, Mother's Day celebrations and the Birthday of FBS UNESA Professor, Mr. Setya Yuwana Sudikan," he said.
Trisakti added, UNESA's 57th Anniversary with the theme 'Tough, Creative and Innovative' can be an encouragement to work even more. He also wished Happy Mother's Day to the women writers who contributed to their work and also gave prayers and best wishes to the Governor of Literature, Prof. Setya Yuwana on his birthday.
Meanwhile, Prof. Setya Yuwana as the initiator of the event stated that the idea of launching a book collectively just came up recently. “The idea was not too old, so in a short time we collected the lecturers' books. I regret when I see that many books from fellow lecturers have not been released yet,” he explained.
The Professor of Literature motivates academics to continue to develop themselves and work, one of which is by writing books. Because for him, life must have meaning for other people, one way to present the meaning of life is through works and positive contributions to many people.
In the discussion session, Prof. Tadjur Ridjal gave his testimony regarding the book 'Ethnosains Nusantara' by Setya Yuwana. According to him, the book is quite influential and presents the study of Ethnoscience with an interesting packaging and point of view. The study of ethnoscience is new and for him it can further broaden his horizons of thought and society. "Ethnoscience ultimately boils down to human values," he said.
Meanwhile, Bambang Sadana also discussed the work of his friend, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, entitled 'The Smart Book of a Writer'. According to him, Setya Yuwana is a consistent figure in his work. For him, academics are known for their writings or works. "Since the first until now, it has consistently guided how to write scientific and non-academic," he explained.
Fauzan stated that he was amazed by the figure of Setya Yuwana Sudikan who was none other than his lecturer when he was in college. He also appreciated the enthusiasm of the lecturer in his work and released two series of Ethnography books. "For me, he (Setya Yuwana Sudikan, ed) is an idealistic and realistic figure and has a straightforward writing style," said the UMM Chancellor.
Prof. Wahyudi Susanto, one of the authors of the essay collection 'Murid Kultural Budi Darma' expressed his admiration for the figure of Budi Darma. He recalled his first meeting with Budi Darma in 1998 at a seminar at a private campus in Surabaya. Until finally he wrote a thesis that examined all of Budi Darma's works.
The same thing was also expressed by Eka Budianta. According to him, Budi Darma's influence in the world of literature cannot be doubted. According to him, Budi Darma's writings have had a broad impact on usability, helping future generations to see and interpret life. "To quote Prof. Suyatno, in 2023, through the Budi Darma computing system, young people will have many choices of computing variations. It can be a bridge between the past and the interests of the future," he concluded. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Rifqi
Editor: @zam*
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