Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), State University of Surabaya graduated as many as 324 undergraduate (S-1) students at the 101st graduation in 2021. The event was held online on Thursday (22/7/2021).
The Yudisium activity was attended by the Dean of FBS, Dr. Trisakti, M.Si. and their staff. The event was opened by singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Unesa and continued with remarks and inauguration of the judicial participants.
Dr. Trisakti, M.Si in his speech said that yudisium has a deep meaning for students and parents. To reach that stage, students go through a series of tortuous study processes, full of challenges and struggles. "The ups and downs have been passed well and let's enjoy the happiness for a moment to continue fighting again to achieve success in the future," he said.
According to MBKM, education is an effort to prepare a generation that is ready to build Indonesian people with character and dignity through their knowledge and competence. In addition, it also gives freedom to innovate by adjusting conditions, socio-cultural life, local wisdom, economy and infrastructure. "All of that is in front of you as a challenge in implementing the learning outcomes that you have achieved so far," he said.
A new life is in sight with all the challenges and open competition. The ideals that are written down, hoped for, and determined in the heart so far must be achieved to the fullest. He continued that one of the things that must be possessed in order to continue and be more successful in navigating a life that changes so quickly is the ability to adapt, be creative and innovate. "I believe that the judiciary from FBS Unesa already has it during their studies, you are certainly ready to achieve success in the future," he said.
On that occasion, it was also announced the names of students who graduated with the best predicate in the category of the highest cumulative achievement index (GPA), the shortest study period, and the winner of the best non-academic assessment system (Sipena).
Aprilian Hurus Setya Wijaya, a student of the Mandarin Language Education Department from Boyolali, who was the student who obtained the highest GPA on that occasion, expressed his gratitude to all the lecturers who have educated, accompanied and guided patiently during the lecture. According to Ika, for these services, there is no better reward than a thank you and making yourself into a good person, with character and success as expected.
"Knowledge, messages and advice from teachers and lecturers will always accompany our success steps in the future, namely as national teachers who contribute to the intellectual and welfare of the community wherever they are," he said.
The highest GPA was achieved by Aprilian Hurus Setya Wijaya from the Department of Mandarin Education with a GPA of 3.95 (predicate of praise) and followed by Andika Nurul Qolbi with a GPA of 3.92, and Selly Nandya Anissa Tantri with a GPA of 3.9. Meanwhile, the best Sipena winners were Muhammad Naufal with a TKM of 5,670, Wulida Wahidatul Masruria with a TKM score of 3,955, and Kevin Septiandy Pratama Tuhumena with a TKM score of 3,365. They were rewarded with certificates of appreciation and cash.
Even though it was conducted online, the 101st period Yudisium activities took place solemnly and continued with congratulations from the head of each department at the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNESA. The activity ended with the reading of prayers by Agus Setyawan. (Wulida)
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