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Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�The Faculty of Engineering located at Campus 1 Ketintang is one of the faculties that is a repository for innovation and achievements at Surabaya State University (UNESA). This faculty has a number of advantages.
In the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE), on Tuesday, 27 February 2024, the Dean of FT, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., said that FT's core advantage is technology, both in the fields of electrical, mechanical, civil engineering, informatics and vocational education.
"We are also based on entrepreneurship. Apart from being able to work in industry or institutions, our alumni can also be entrepreneurs," he said.
The Dean added, to support lecture activities and develop students' knowledge, skills and competencies, FT has 90 laboratories spread across all study programs.
Each study program in the faculty with the jargon "Faculty of Engineering, Jaya Berprestasi" has a practical orientation, because it is based on skills needed in the world of business and industry. Nevertheless, students are still equipped with adequate theory and knowledge.
Maspiyah continued, FT has two categories of study programs that are accredited as superior and internationally, there are pure study programs and education study programs. These two study program categories produce alumni who on average have careers in the world of business and industry.
"Education study programs have the profile of being teachers, yes, but many enter industry. Like Building Engineering Education, for example, many handle projects, "Many people with Electrical and Mechanical Engineering education work in industry or factories," he said.
Apart from that, there are also many graduates of education study programs who become entrepreneurs making manufactured products, for example, and some become consultants according to their respective fields of expertise. -each.
Deputy Dean II FT UNESA Aries Dwi Indriyanti, S.Kom., M.Kom., continued, through MBKM, FT students not only study in their study program, but also practice abroad or in the world business and industry. This is supported by the many FT cooperation partners both at home and abroad.
One of those collaborating with FT is a company in Japan. Later, students will study engineering and additional Japanese for two semesters, and after graduating they can be recruited directly and work in Japan.
He added that the lecture program at FT is designed in accordance with the needs and competency demands in the world of business and industry. . FT, apart from having a regular study scheme, also has a fast track program which started opening this year for the Electrical Engineering study program.
"Through this fast track program, students can take a Bachelor's degree and Masters directly in just five years," he said.
Meanwhile, UNESA FT Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program Coordinator Dr. Lusia Rakhmawati, S.T., M.T., added that FT students and lecturers often create innovations in various fields and make achievements, one of which is robotics competitions at the national-international level.
To become an FT student you don't have to come from a school that has < em>background engineering, but everyone can, whether from SMA/SMK/MA, the important thing is to have determination and motivation in studying and completing college.
For students who want to enter FT UNESA , can be via the SNBP, SNBT or independent route. Participants who, for example, have not been lucky on the SNBP route, should remain enthusiastic, because there are still many paths that can be taken, namely SNBT and Mandiri. Additionally, the undergraduate (S-1) study programs at FT are as follows:
S-1 Electrical Engineering
S-1 Informatics Engineering
S- 1 Mechanical Engineering
S-1 Civil Engineering
S-1 Information Systems
S-1 Information Technology Education
S-1 Mechanical Engineering Education
S-1 Electrical Engineering Education
S-1 Building Engineering Education
S-1 Cosmetology Education
S -1 Fashion Design Education
Bachelor of Culinary Education
S-1 Urban Regional Planning Study Program (new).
Reporter: Joy Nathanael (FISH)
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
Streaming UVCE Faculty of Engineering https://www.youtube.com/live/Ao0JQ6v2a5A?si=o9i7SPbAI9bIsaiJ
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