Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA--The results of the 2024 National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) were announced by the 2024 SNPMB committee online on Tuesday, March 26 2024. In this route, Surabaya State University (UNESA) accepted 4,733 prospective new students (camaba) from a total of 26,037 applicants.
Chancellor of Surabaya State University (UNESA) Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., or Cak Hasan said that the campus with the motto 'Growing with Character' always becomes one of the favorite PTNs in Indonesia every year. The trend of UNESA registrants is increasing from year to year.
Cak Hasan added, in the SNBP route, there were 26,037 registrants who chose UNESA as their study destination campus. This figure brings UNESA to 11th position as the PTN with the most applicants in Indonesia.
Of this number, 4,733 applicants were declared successful at UNESA. This figure positions UNESA as the largest recipient of new students for the 2024 SNBP route, followed by Brawijaya University (UB) and Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).
Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., added that the number of students who passed the national route was based on the UNESA admission quota for the SNBP route of 28% of the total capacity.
"UNESA's 2024 capacity for new students is 28% percent "SNBP route, 44% UTBK-SNBT route, and 28% independent route. The total capacity is 17,130 students. This year's capacity is down significantly from last year, namely 22,915," said the professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMIPA).< /p>
Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation, UNESA, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., detailed that if we look at the number of people, UNESA registrants for the SNBP route are 26,037. However, if we look at the first and second choice study programs, the total number of applicants who chose study programs at UNESA reached 35,968 participants.
"In this SNBP pathway, participants can choose up to 2 study programs. So, there is one person who is the first choice and both are at UNESA, there are only the first choice study programs at UNESA, and there are only the second choice study programs at UNESA," he explained.
The study program that is the favorite or with the highest number of applicants at UNESA for the 2024 SNBP pathway is : Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Communication Science, Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Digital Business, Bachelor of Information Technology , Bachelor of Science in Public Administration, and Bachelor of Science in Nutrition.
To the participants who successfully passed, the leadership expressed their congratulations. "You are the people who have been selected to study at UNESA. Welcoming new students, UNESA leadership continues to be committed to implementing quality tridharma that has an impact on students, society and the country," said Sukarmin.
Participants who have passed You are advised to immediately re-register on the page https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id/simreg. Please remember that participants who have passed the SNBP cannot register for the SNBT and Independent routes for the next three years.
"For those who have not passed, keep your enthusiasm, because there are still many opportunities and entrances to UNESA. There are still "SNBT and Mandiri routes with much larger quotas. Prepare yourself immediately and register for SNBT and Mandiri at UNESA. Keep your enthusiasm, keep fighting. Good luck getting into UNESA," said Sukarmin. [*]
Source: Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation/SNPMB 2024 Committee Press Release
Editor: @zam* (FIP)
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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